I got this liquid plant nutrient. Its 15% nitrogen annd it has a some small mounts of other stuff in it such as copper iron manganese and zinc. Will this actually help my pot plants to grow or just kill them. If so i heard from a friend im sopposed to dolute it with water and feed with it every 2 weeks. Is this correct. I would really aprecaite a response. Thanks.
I figured it would be better to answer this question in the THREAD...
Most soils provide adequate nutrients for a plant for the first 3-12 weeks of its life....
You will have to asses your plants growth and leaf coloration to decide if it needs feeding.
The most important thing you can do is give your plant properly PHed water..
do you know how to do this?
: )
YEs you will dilute the fertilizer.. Always error on the side of over DILUTING...
: )