growing to sell


Active Member
try the kabblah,aka SPEED WEED,TREE OF LIFE, ARMEGEDON, SIRUS ALL GROW 350 1000g per square metre if grown properly


Well-Known Member
Holy Shit people get off his back

Quote: can every one understand that i cann see well be cause of my condition sorry

He's never seen purple weed before HAHAHAHAHA!
its not that they don't like what you post, its that we don't understand it completely.
He was asking if it was possible to grow 2lb a month under a 1000w light. And if it was possible, what strain was best? He also asked what other equipment he would need. Not that hard to understand realy.

What is up with every1 tonight? Every1 is so bitchy on this

Am i the only person on this who has had a smoke tonight lol


Well-Known Member
Man you do come across as a kid or something. All your posts are along the lines of "wat purple to get 2 pounds, wat purple this and that". It's "what". I dunno, good luck getting people to take you seriously, lol. This thread is awful.


Active Member
finnally thank you and a person shouldnt be jude be his threads and post but by how he help other and as you can c i help alot of people im not new to growing but im a old school plant outside and feed it love kind of guy thank and love all

i never grow a pound indoors but i finally brought a camera and i cant wait till i show all these guys who question my skill because i cant see these little keys or because im in love wit purple weed my dank plants


Active Member
wat wrong wit colorful weed u might like kush lemon white widow i like purp
and colorful weed go smoke an check out my thread when i upload my pic


Well-Known Member
My brain hurts. Great thread! Shoot for 1 pound a month. If you've never grown indoor, you're learning all over. Most purples are weak from what I've read. I think TGA/SubCool purps is supposed to be good. They aren't good yielders, typically. If you're slinging, get a strain that produces and go mostly that. Get a purple for your own.
P.S. I thought you were foreign, not illiterate. I does read like some funny shit.


Well-Known Member
lol if i was growing for money i sure as hell wouldn't make a title saying growing to sell lol. Do what all the other arsehats are doing and leave you shit half cured, sugar/silicone covered and use a strain that makes huge yeilds. As a noob if i was going to do it i would choose 2 x 600 hps over the 1000 or use a light mover on the 1000. All the info's on these forums, read grow logs find out what works best and since your for money weigh up medium, nute, hydro type and effective for your grow room ect. Since your growing for coin you wanna keep your mouth locked tight as commercail gowing will more then likley see jail time, its ganna be hard to argue you smoke 2 pounds a month lol. How the hell you would get 2 pound a month off a 1000 hps has me stumped even with a light mover and multi crops under it? lol ill be happy with 150grams off my 600hps over 4 months

well grow

Active Member
If I was you i would go with something like Big Buddha Cheese, It's a high yealder and it is quite easy to grow in the right hands lol. It's highly disputed that it is nothing like the real cheese but in saying that its well worth growing you cant go wrong realy nice to smoke aswell. That's just what i think anyway...

Fallen Buckshot

I for one also would like to procure some of this fine California High Yielding Purple Strain Cannabis


Active Member
thank im not a newb i have drow under my belt but tryna grow big

can sum one list any
California High Yielding Strain

well grow

Active Member
Just go to a seed site it will tell you all you need to know, And another thing if your growing indoors where you can controle the enviroment it wouldnt matter if the weed was a high yealder in japan it will still be a high yealder all over the world it is all about the enviroment that they need to produce and if you cant do that i would just go with some purple