Growing two plants, but no room!


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I am starting out in growing cannabis, and just "testing" the waters. One night while I was smoking, I had a few seeds so I said screw it, and germinated em.

One sprouted, so I went to Home Depot and got some generic organic potting soil, and some 99cent pots(yea, i coulda used styro-cups).

Here is the pic of the plant so far:

Right now, I don't have any lamps, so I just have it near by bathroom light.

I can purchase some lamps,...and I can put it in a very small closet.

Basically, I am trying to find info on how to grow 1 - 2 plants without a grow room...and all the documents I have read discuss rooms with a lot of plants...

Help anyone? Is there a chance that it can flower? Like I said, I am just experimenting right now...


Well-Known Member
first it looks a lil soggy let it dry out a bit now that its alive,second you can go get some cfls and just surround them things with em and you may be ok


Well-Known Member
if you want to get a good experiment going first thing you gotta do is get some lamps(CFL or fluorescent) and stick them really close to the top cuz that sucker is allready got a little stretching going and it will only get much worse from here from there.

i mean you could possibly flower it but it aint going to be anything worth anything if it actually makes it without nutes and decent lights and testing your PH....if the PH of your water is too high or too low it will kill them so

honestly its hard to flower i plant if you are just going to experiment without being serious about it at all

i wish you luck though man im not trying to put you down just offering my opinion:blsmoke:

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
first look at getting into a water culture system its a hydro set up but its really easy to do and even easyer to mantain and u can get all the supplies at walmart or home depot while still useing cfls its good for small area grows i.e closets


Junior Creatologist
dude, check out my 1st grow journal at the top of my sig. read the beginning. If you can work with a little bit of spacein your closet, you can grow a plant from seed to harvest using about 3 feet of space in height, and 3 feet of space in lengtht, maybe even less. You just gotta tie down your plant as it gets progressively bigger, probably starting at the one month phase, or whenever the plant gets to be about 8 inches, start tying the branches down to the lip of the pot. you can definitely keep your ganja plant down to under a foot if you tie once a week, all the new growth gets tied down. If you keep doing this, the branches will all start bending back up towards the light, and you can just keep on doing this until you harvest. it wont effect the nuggets, as long as your careful when you do it, not to stress it out too much.

its called LST(Low Stress Training). Its really the best way to grow if your in soil and limited on room.

Another way to go is to do a micro grow in hydro. You could use one 5-10 gallon tupperware box, and grow 2-3 plants in it, n keep them down to a very minimum height bro - check out GypsyBush's growjournal for that one, he just harvested, and each of his plants were about the size of his fist, but there was NO plant, lol, it was just one GIANT nug for each plant, probably weighing anywhere between 1/2 n 1 oz, each one the size of his fist n just one HUGE dank nug. just go to the search bar n type in GypsyBush, and his journals will pop up check them both out, but the one you wanna really pay attention to is his aerogarden grow. its fuckin awesome n the buds really truly are the dank shit man.

hope that helped out a little at least
