Growing underground


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about digging a growroom under my shed.

How would I keep the temp stable in the winter and summer months?

Where do I vent the exaust?

What if I run into ground water?

Power is easy.
digging is easy enough.
security is good cause i have a nice shed with a good door and lock. And a Americian bulldog.

I was just brainstorming outloud.

Feel free to join in.

Or if you have done this before let me know how it worked.


Well-Known Member
post some pictures when you do it!
Don't know if I'm going to yet.

I was hoping to see if someone has "dug there own" to see what kind of problems they ran into.

Wouldn't everyone love to not have any odor in there house at all?

Fu*k ya


Well-Known Member
Mold mold mold mold mold!!!!!
Yep, mold..insects, water drainage problems, ventilation.

Keep in mind, a basement to a house usually has drain tile surrounding the foundation, not to mention a cistern...without those things, all you have is a hole in the ground.

And if you live somewhere that they don't have basements, there's a reason for that.


Well-Known Member
Yep, mold..insects, water drainage problems, ventilation.

Keep in mind, a basement to a house usually has drain tile surrounding the foundation, not to mention a cistern...without those things, all you have is a hole in the ground.

And if you live somewhere that they don't have basements, there's a reason for that.
So I would have to pour a concrete foundation so to speak.

What is a cistern?


Active Member
It could be done... But like said above... biggest problem will be water drainage... u can test this by digging a small hole till the depht u want to make the "grow hole" than u can see if u have a lot of ground watter... 1 way to resolve the problem of drainage would be to dig a bit deeper.. make a drainage system (sounds complicated but its easy) drainage pipes on bottom in combination with some sort of reservoir at the lowest point, then simply put a drainagepump in there who is activated by a flother like they use in some basements to pump the water away when there's to much... build the floor of the grow hole above the drainage system and reinforce the pit to make sure it doesn't collapse... u also have to have an entry point witch can be closed to ensure no bugs,smell,cold... to infiltrate/escape the chamber...
Ventilation could come out in the shed but make sure its properly philtred to ensure no smell of any kind to escape..
About the temperature I would not consurn myself to much.. If properly closed from ground level you'll get the same effect of a basement or cave.. then with the air circulation u could easily adjust to high temperature from the lamps ... Its defiantly possibel there are so many movies on the net of underground grow facilities (sometimes very high tec)
Anyway its according to the budget u are willing to spend, but mostly you'll save urself more.. thats called an investment ;)
Also anything I said above was within a thinking time of about 2 minutes you'll have to come up with solutions for all the problems that you'll face if ure consistent to go on with this


Active Member
a yes also about the mold above referred to... with the temprature of the lamps in combination with the air circulation your air humidity should be fine
just don't dry it in there since u must dry in darkness and without lamps the air would get way to wet


Active Member
i know theres somewhere were most citys have blueprints on where all there major water lines are running. idk if that helps but when putting pipes in our yard we checked that out first.


Well-Known Member
umm.... what about the part where your undermining the shed itself?
id be worried about collapse while i was digging.
another thing to consider is dirt expands when you dig it up, which means when you dig it out (the dirt) it will take up damn near 2-3 times the space of the hole you just dug it out of, which could make for a disposal problem...
another point to consider- you WILL need a cistern unless you live on top of a rocky hill
bedrock? it would suck if you hit it 3 feet down
your also going to have to seal it somehow, which will involve concrete and masonry work... its not easy to hual wet concrete and mortar and cinder blocks down a hole.

ive seen bunkers, storm shelters, and other underground structures being built, and everytime the way they did it was by digging a giant hole in the ground, building the structure, and then burying it after the fact... cut and cover the technique is called i believe
building by excavating is costly, time consuming, backbreaking, and dangerous. but it can be done if engineered correctly and the labor is done with great care and craftmenship.
i wouldnt try this unless you have more than a few years building or engineering under your belt, its a recipe for disaster for the unexperienced