growing upside down


Well-Known Member
wow i think this is a great experiment and grow upside down can have it's advantages and disadvantages.

I can't believe no one has mentioned gravitropism!!! heh, 6 pages..not a word. cannabis is a gravitropic plant in both root structure and growth structure, meaning the roots will always try to grow towards gravity and the foliage will always try to grow away from it..regardless of where the light source is....look at a few vertical grows and you'll see how the plants still tend to grow upwards even when the light bulb is placed beside or even below them....small factors can manipulate this natural responce, but the strongest force will always be gravity.

regardless, I'm glad you're doing this, and I'm very curious to see the root structure at harvest...VERY if you don't post pics of the rootball im gonna harass you. :P

*edit: did you plant any control groups?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
The only reason it has a advantage in tomato growing is due to the growth habit of the vines. In case of a heavy fruit-set, tomato's require staking and/or tying to help prevent splitting of the vines and the fruit potentially touching the ground. I see absolutely no advantage in growing cannabis with this Can anyone take this thread out back behind the barn and shoot it?


Well-Known Member
The only reason it has a advantage in tomato growing is due to the growth habit of the vines. In case of a heavy fruit-set, tomato's require staking and/or tying to help prevent splitting of the vines and the fruit potentially touching the ground. I see absolutely no advantage in growing cannabis with this Can anyone take this thread out back behind the barn and shoot it?
I second that.


Well-Known Member
The only reason it has a advantage in tomato growing is due to the growth habit of the vines. In case of a heavy fruit-set, tomato's require staking and/or tying to help prevent splitting of the vines and the fruit potentially touching the ground. I see absolutely no advantage in growing cannabis with this Can anyone take this thread out back behind the barn and shoot it?
Ever heard of a bit of fun?

Mr killjoy here doesn't want anyone having a bit of fun..damn.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
The only reason it has a advantage in tomato growing is due to the growth habit of the vines. In case of a heavy fruit-set, tomato's require staking and/or tying to help prevent splitting of the vines and the fruit potentially touching the ground. I see absolutely no advantage in growing cannabis with this Can anyone take this thread out back behind the barn and shoot it?
I second that.
these two guys are tottal assholes, wow, whether there is an advantage or not, the shit is just cool, if you read the WHOLE thread the guy said he had other plants growing regularly, this one plant was just a conversation piece, some thing to do - do you come down on people who put 25" rims on there car, or vertical henged doors, or candy paint, NO! because you no this is done fore injoyment, you know that this is not the main car, its just for show,
have these guys seen bonsi method of growing this is another method of growing that is a total waste of time and growroom space, but the shit is cool as hell to look at .
get you thumb out your ass a stick it in your mouth :finger:

Ever heard of a bit of fun?

Mr killjoy here doesn't want anyone having a bit of fun..damn.
right on bro, +rep for haveing an open mind


Active Member
ok so i just added a new light for the upside down grow, i will post pics tommorow or the next day.

my other plant.....i had a light was that damn red light on the i will not know what sex it is for about another fuuuuuuuuuuuuucking week


Active Member
really interested in seeing this.

I actually think it may work, I'm curious as to if you're going to turn it back upright and see if everything produces some fatty ass stems... LOL or something!

cool stuff dude. luk


Active Member
hey all......just wanted to inform you that my big mutant plant is blossoming into a beautiful lady

i couldn't be happier

also, could the weight of soil slow root growth?


Well-Known Member
have you ever heard of the rotary garden its basically a wheel with the light in the middle and the plants go around and around.
Thats interesting. I've been wanting to do the same thing using that tomatoe topsy turvy. But I need to grow inside and I'm worried I might make a big mess.:eyesmoke:


Active Member
thats bad ass man! I wanted to do that but i saw a tomato plant at my bro-n-laws that was done like that and it sucked coulda just been him tho lol.