growing weed in prison new help


New Member
i'm a fecalfeliac lol. uh how do you think you get stuff in jail dude? people put phones in their butt all the time... weird but true... a dude got caught in jail with a glock in his ass!
You can put anything you want in ur ass indianaman...I got mine through inside a deodorant stick.....So how do you think they get liquor in there IM? I still think your purity of essence has been've been drinking something other than distilled water or grain alcohol! haven't you? :evil:


Active Member
you know what? Grow what you want, wherever you want, however you want, whenever you want.... with whomever you want... if you want...:weed:

I may have never posted... and only read the first like 200 posts... But this is my 2cents


New Member
Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream.... I love that movie.... FLUIDS.


New Member
hey Pinkus...... how do you rep+ people? you got one coming if you can tell me how for knowing who my dude's picture is. FLUIDS.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure your not the first one in this situation,
someone had already started something like this where your going

i have run into this very funny grower from Australia,
he incorporated some interesting ideas I've never seen before
somewhat in the neighborhood of what your talking about

here is his recipe
the soil mix is
2 parts coarse yellow sand
1 part compost
1 part chook poop
1 part rabbit poop
1part sheep poop
1 part clay
and more...

lol, pretty disgusting what he had placed in the ground
but one cant argue with his results

(click image for his full journal)


Well-Known Member
i know there are loads of hates and people that say this will never work,(growing in jail)but i am
still gonna give it a the mean time i have been thinking (insert evil laugh here)
and since i am starting a new grow after just finishing my d.p. pure power plant
grow the other week.i have my big budda cheese and seedism cheesewreck seedling
on the go (10 0f each). when i pull the males and the runts,insted of culling them i am gonna
plant them in the flower beds outside my local police station.which is a hell of alot easyer than
getting them into and then to grow in jail.i would think that some of you guys could also might do this to
just for the buzz of a middlefinger to the 5-o,if the press got onto it it would make a funny little story
for the local rag to.


New Member
dude now you're getting retarded. don't plant weed plants by the police station. what if you get caught...... aren't you already going to jail? you love the pokey don't you? not a good idea at all.....


New Member
you don't go to jail if you don't get caught... you don't want to get spotlighted holding a trowel and a bud plant in front of a police station do you?


Well-Known Member
all the publicity from this thread is gonna get you stopped before you start. I would hate for you to get hem'd up while in prison.