Growing weed Indoors, Big Bud,& krip

supp guys. ight this is my 2, 1 month and about 3 weeks old plants. the 1 on the right isa seed i got from 1na my krip sacks in florida:hump::hump: (305):hump::hump: nd the left is from Nirvana, Big Bud strain. they sem to be doin good afetr continuous over watering lol so here are some PICS. and taka good look at em nd lemme see wat u think i shud do and all =]

also i use miracle grow fertilizer, an 2 CFL's 1600Lumens each, and 23watts. WITH my 3 speed fan always on High -speed. so THANKS AGAIN ND ADVICE WOULD BE APPRECIATTED[=











Well-Known Member
lkn good smile, a couple of tips broham. if ur using that mg fert which one cause im using the regular one with the 24-8-16 (n-p-k) its on the back on the pack. be careful with that stuff u only need to use it every other watering. water every 3-4 days. what color are ur cfls? are the 65ook Daylight, cool white, soft white ? This makes a big difference. u need 6500k ones for the veg. plant looks a lil thin. And if that desk lamp bends at the neck bend so that its over the top pointn down. let me know if this helps or not.
COLOR soft white, nd yeah iv heard it before where, my plant is wayy to skinny ANDa how am i supposd to produce fatty nuggys with a skinny stem, '' i was asked'' lol so i know i must invest more $$ into it. and yeah i can bend the lighting whichever way lol TRUST me the plants more important then me right now hah. thanks for the advice. i usually just fertilize every 2 waterings when it gets RELE super dry on top nd when i stick my knuckles in the soil. thanks again.


Well-Known Member
no prob man. if ur near a target or wmart pick u 2 6500k for eaith 5 or 8 bucks and an emergency blanket for 2 bucs trust ur brain will start clickn once ur there especially after rdn up on here
yeaa true true. im just a lazy person nd doin stuff most of the time so if i go to the store i wana get EVERYTHING at 1nce hahah thankz again

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You need 6500k cool white lights, the higher the wattage, the better.Lumens just tell you how bright it is.Color temp is what you look at.6500k for veg, 2700 k, or warm white, for flower.Get them two inches away, and surround the plant.You don't have enough light at all.If you can afford it, just buy an actual grow light from htg supply.NOT the lights from the store that say they are grow lights, because they are incandescent,and the wrong kind.
supp guys. ight this is my 2, 1 month and about 3 weeks old plants. the 1 on the right isa seed i got from 1na my krip sacks in florida:hump::hump: (305):hump::hump: nd the left is from Nirvana, Big Bud strain. they sem to be doin good afetr continuous over watering lol so here are some PICS. and taka good look at em nd lemme see wat u think i shud do and all =]

also i use miracle grow fertilizer, an 2 CFL's 1600Lumens each, and 23watts. WITH my 3 speed fan always on High -speed. so THANKS AGAIN ND ADVICE WOULD BE APPRECIATTED[=



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Well-Known Member
i would just start over if i were you. those plants are really stretched and wont produce much bud at this point. invest in some better lighting, ventilation, soil, pots, all that good shit. read and learn as much as you can

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You're right they do;But weed is a pretty amazing plant.If he gets more light(and the correct spectrum)and maybe another fan blowing things back and forth,it could really turn around.I think he'll have to veg longer than he planned, though, to let her recover.I have two fans on mine at high speed and she has a massive stem.
maybe with some lst and a lot more light. stems look weak though
yeah i always keep my fan on high so it keeps them swaying bak and fourth. i dont think i need more light bcuz now i have 3 on them. but BETTER lighting would definitely make a difference. im gonna try and move things around in the morning ill update piks as soon as tomorro. thanks for the help fellaz

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
3 each?Still not enough, even if there is 3 on each, sorry.MORE.
yeah i always keep my fan on high so it keeps them swaying bak and fourth. i dont think i need more light bcuz now i have 3 on them. but BETTER lighting would definitely make a difference. im gonna try and move things around in the morning ill update piks as soon as tomorro. thanks for the help fellaz


New Member
Ya u deff need daylight CFL's and probably need a couple more than just 2. Im runnin 8 CFL's 6 of them are daylight. and 2 are soft white. and i have so much light in there its crazy and i just ordered some mylar. u should deff looking into some of that stuff apparently it does wonders. But def work on beefin up ur light situation. 5500-6500k is perfect for veg cycle. and the more the better of them the better.


Active Member
yeah dude you need way more light. I started with CFLs and used 6, then 8, then 11, then 12.....then I got a 150 hps and hung 4 CFLs...then 8, now 9CFLs with the 150.
my space is 2'x3' and 5 feet high and I have 3 plants flowering they are all 4 feet tall and full of nugs. I think my grow could use even more light. You need to add some bulbs,

Stoney is right, they can be saved. Its a weed, it grows. I would watch to make sure they dont go hermi....or male, after being so stressed so early.

good luck dude, have fun

1234.jpg HERE is an update just like i told u guys i would.

so here i went in my garage nd then saw those bulbs. idk what they are but their 40watt nd good for my plant. i think ? so i jus movd it in there. i know i gotta do somethin about the heat so 1 more fan couldnt this weekend. i shud put the plants closer to the light but i wana strech em just abit more. tell me what u guys think of my crazy idea of a ''grow room'' HAHA pz:hump::hump::hump::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
This thread is very entertaining... or maybe i'm just really high. I would never throw a plant away. Your plant is totally fine. You do need more light though... I've got 10 32w CFL's on my plants and they look really good. I am going to take about 20 more clones next week. I cant remember... did you start nutes yet? anyway, i have faith that this could turn out good. are you considering topping? I would. iwould keep it small and really really bushy.
This thread is very entertaining... or maybe i'm just really high. I would never throw a plant away. Your plant is totally fine. You do need more light though... I've got 10 32w CFL's on my plants and they look really good. I am going to take about 20 more clones next week. I cant remember... did you start nutes yet? anyway, i have faith that this could turn out good. are you considering topping? I would. iwould keep it small and really really bushy.

lol yeah this thread is haha idk what topping is? sounds lyk something that hasta do with the cola or w.e. but anyways im just trying to grow as much as possible so i kan get high for a year lmfao!! :hump::hump:. the big bushy 1 is from a krip sack i got bak in nam lol. ( florida) miami and the other is bug bud and i just plantd another in the pot this morning. so idc if their shitty or not im just doin the best i can an if you only knew how lazy i am people. lol. anyways thanks again dudes an keep the ideas COMIN :)):joint::joint::joint:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Get the plant closer.Try aiming a fan right at the lights, helps with heat.You don't want to stretch them anymore.The growfaq explains topping.It encourages plants to become bushier,because they grow two colas instead of one when you make the cut.
:hump::hump::hump:View attachment 409885

View attachment 409886 HERE is an update just like i told u guys i would.

so here i went in my garage nd then saw those bulbs. idk what they are but their 40watt nd good for my plant. i think ? so i jus movd it in there. i know i gotta do somethin about the heat so 1 more fan couldnt this weekend. i shud put the plants closer to the light but i wana strech em just abit more. tell me what u guys think of my crazy idea of a ''grow room'' HAHA pz:hump::hump::hump::joint::joint::joint::joint: