Growing Weed with Mama

Awesome! I wish I hadn't been so distracted. That is why I wanted to show up on Friday afternoon and get to relax with the locals before the whole party arrived! I want to make nametags with the RIU avatars because my visual memory is amazing but my name memory is nonexistant!

Yes - that was @supchaka 's SRS doobie. I was just being careful not to get too medicated! I enjoyed a jay of that SRS with Supchaka at the SoCal BBQ. I needed some Purple Haze sativa to right the ship that day! I had so many samples I had brought with me to hand out and I didn't want to forget anything. I still forgot :P

I am chopping my SRS girls today. The caterpillars and grasshoppers have found them and I don't want to spray anything on the flowers.
