Growing With CFL Lights ?

What would i need for the vegetative Growth of my Plant .
And what would i need for the Flowering Stage ?

i would be growing 2 Plants at a time and what to now how much Lighting i would need this would be my first time grow Indoors .


Well-Known Member
T5HO for veg. HPS for flower. That's what I run anyways. You wouldn't need much wattage for just 2 plants. A little 400w would probably work. Shit maybe even a 250w.


Well-Known Member
Depends on how big your grow area is or how large you'd like your plants to get. Will you be V and F in the same area or separate rooms? I have a 2.5' tall by 1.5' deep by 2.5' wide veg box and I'm using 8 cfl. Cfls can be pretty effective if you can keep them close, limit the amount of open, non reflective space around them and allow for adequate exhaust of heat. Good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
high kelvin, daylight or blueish light for vegg, less kelvin, warm, redish light for flower.
i keep both all the time but i put more red during flower. like AllenHaze i use 8 cfls and about the same size. but i gotta work on my ventilation.


Well-Known Member
Depends on how big your grow area is or how large you'd like your plants to get. Will you be V and F in the same area or separate rooms? I have a 2.5' tall by 1.5' deep by 2.5' wide veg box and I'm using 8 cfl. Cfls can be pretty effective if you can keep them close, limit the amount of open, non reflective space around them and allow for adequate exhaust of heat. Good luck :peace:
I guess I should of read the title a little more closely. Derp.


Well-Known Member
Get an LED you can use it for the whole grow without needing to change your light or anything plus they don't make a lot of heat and use electric than HPS lights.