Growing with CFL's on a budget...

Alrighty, I gotta go to walmart later this afternoon and pick some thing up for my grandmother, so I will see if they have any.

Also, according to UPS I WILL have the new digi cam here TODAY!:D So stay tuned, updated pics are ON THE WAY :joint:
Finally got updated pics!

She is at day 12 of veg since Day1 of germination.

2009_0715Sissy_20090003.jpg ghetto redneck engineered setup..Still have to relocate the lights you see in the back, to the top of the box.


Last but not least, my partner in crime. She likes to help, but only to certain point. She keeps the critters away, lol!

**Small Update**

Since I took those picsture at 7pm yesterday, went and looked at them at 7am(about 1hr ago) and finally got that third little node starting to really show up:D

I am planning on inducing flower beginning of august(within the first week-week and a half) and hope to have a harvest by beginning/mid of september:joint:

May wait a little longer just incase. Comments ARE ALWAYS welcome!
yo man-sweet plant you go there-looking healthy.
yo-you should put those lights much closer, about a 1 inch away, ca cfls has a really low light penetration limit-good thing is that you can put them really close cas they emit low heat and when closer then they will start to grow faster man.

keep up the good work...
I actually turned it around to get that pic. The one that is hanging down is about ~1.5" from it. I am trying to find me a couple Y adapters for the fixture hanging down, so I can eliminate the light bar in the back. I am going to do that today, going to bartons since lowes and HD are SOO far away(~50miles).

I will get more updated pics as soon as saturday or sunday rolls around. Thanks for the comment +rep for you!
Yes only one at the moment:( Im going to wait another few weeks til I get my money and then gonna get me some ww and maybe some og kush o.0

I HOPE it comes out female(crosses fingers).

Thanks for all the comments, will have an update in a few minutes. Has grown quite a bit more in the past few hours.:D :joint:
Also, I cant find a y adapter for my bulbs ANYWHERE!!!

I guess I will have to mosey over to Lowes or HD and get one:(
Looking great. Nice camera too!

No its not a sweet camera. I freaking hate it. It worked fine when I was uploading pics to my computer. NOW it is saying Error: File not found.

That is it!! I mean, what fawking file is not found? The software sucks ass...anywho im pissed because I finally got some good pics that are upclose and detailed, and now it wont let me upload:evil::evil::evil::evil:
nope no memory card, yet. I finally got it, but only said it found one file? I had 5 really good pics taken.

O well, here is one of me I can see a good improvement since yesterday..this isnt the greatest one of the 5, the flash is fawking bright as hell on this thing so it kinda distorted it =\

notice whats going on in the very center, kinda deep looking.

ahh went ahead and snapped a couple more pics!! Hope yall enjoy, notice the growth within the past 24 hours, I am happy so far:)

