Growing with Hydroton for First Time: How to Prop Clones in, Watering Questions, Etc.

So I got tired of rockwool... had some issues with root rot, keeping the pH in its happy zone was an issue, lots of algae and some rootzone humidity/overwatering issues. Am planning on using hydroton in 6" circular grow pots this tme and had a few questions.

On the advice of those here, I did scrub the hydroton and soak it in a pH 5.8-6.0 water for a few days.

1) What is the ideal pH to use with hydroton?
2) How often should I plan on watering? I know its much more often than rockwool but wasn't sure how much?
3) How do I efficiently 'insert' the clones and their root systems into the hydroton?
4) Will this change my nutrient schedule at all?
5) The pots I have are approximately 6" in diameter and 4.5" tall. What size plants can these support? I was hoping for plants roughly 2' tall
6) The pots are mesh... so I'm assuming there won't be any root lock and if the roots want to grow on out of the pots, they're free to do that. Should I expect to have to do anything as the root systems expand like that?


Well-Known Member
1) The ideal pH to use with CANNABIS is in the range of 5.8
2) It is more then rock wool, it does not retain water, lets alot of air get to the roots. I water mine for 15 minutes 4x a day. so its 15 every 6 hrs
3) I dont "insert" I take my cuttings that rooted, so they're isnt much roots, and I fill the bottom with a few inches of pebbles then put the clone to the base and lightly fill around it til the pot is full and plant supported.
4) No

5&6 are about the same

are you doing a drip feed type system or a DWC?

The roots dont like light, so if they start to grow out I hope you can contain them to keep them in primo conditions. Otherwise once they hit outside the net, they will brown and wont grow. If the pot is supported with a good base a 2' plant wont be a problem. it will get to 2'. Just the concern will be if the pot ain't secured , the buds can make it tip over.
thanks, very helpful. i have an ebb and flow system. water pump fills the tray til it reaches a set fill level, sits there a little while, and then drains.