growing with kids in the same house

I use a mixture of carbon filters in the grow room and ozone generators on timers around the house for any residual smell and I get no smell whatsoever in or out of my house a good cheap model of ozone gen is C.A.P OZN-1 usually around 100 and worth its weight in gold, I might add that ozone kills mold and mildew as well as any bad smells like dog cigarettes ect
I use a mixture of carbon filters in the grow room and ozone generators on timers around the house for any residual smell and I get no smell whatsoever in or out of my house a good cheap model of ozone gen is C.A.P OZN-1 usually around 100 and worth its weight in gold, I might add that ozone kills mold and mildew as well as any bad smells like dog cigarettes ect

This :)...
upgrade to a larger carbon filter, or replace it more frequently. Like every 6 months.

And seriously nag champa for the win. Shit really helps cover up the smell during harvest, it would be much harder without it or Ona gel.
Higher humidity will inhibit carbon filters ability to function properly. Not saying this is your problem, just FYI. I've been using a vaportek 4000 and now I have 2 inlines and cans collecting dust.
Higher humidity will inhibit carbon filters ability to function properly. Not saying this is your problem, just FYI. I've been using a vaportek 4000 and now I have 2 inlines and cans collecting dust.
Does the vaportek work well for you? any ill effects having it In the room? if you even have it in the room.
Just build a room that uses negative pressure. I use a 430 cfm fan with a can brand filter and u can't smell it ever. Htg filters are crappie. Phresh filters are good too. I've gotten over 2 years out of mine. No.issues.

Spend the money on the front end and sleep soundly..
My daughter and her three kids are living with us and is in a constant battle with her ex over custody. Her lawyer assured us that growing legally in itself is not cause to remove children from the home. That doesn't mean there won't be some CPS worker who tries to nail you for it. The trick is to not invite trouble, aka, get rid of the smell.
I have a room for flower, and a 4' x 4' box for veg in the basement. The veg box has a small fan and 6" duct that vents the air into the larger room, where I have the carbon filter. Works like a charm. We get no smell anywhere in the house.
i was busted for growing to many plants ,i was over my legal limit-had clones going and that put me over my limit-my house was raided and they took all my meds and all my big plants and most of my lights and left me 15 babies,my grow was in my downstairs where the kids could not go,i spent 2 months in jail and that was that,my lawer said they were stickin it to me because i had my kids in the house even though my kids could not get downstairs but they never threatend to take them away,they just wouldnt give me a break,if you can ,install a inline ozone generator the big blue is a good one,but do not have it in your room as it will damage your plants.also the cops cant come in your house just because of smell,also dont go over your limit.i have had friends where the cops came over and they let the cops in but they were not over there limits and after counting all the plants the cops just left,also dont keep a scale in the house because they will try to say you have been selling your meds
If a full scale carbon filter solution isn't doable....on a gel and gonzos odor control rocks in the tent goes a long way. I bag of gonzos handles a 3x3 space pretty well set a cup of on a in with it and your smells reduce drastically.

Anything written above can only be considered the rambling on of a belligerent old fool who has created a magical land in his mind where he is an amazing marijuana cultivator. all pictures and information have been stolen from the "worldwide web"
Just follow all the rules.. I put gel down stairs and a auto spray wick air freshner right by the door, having it spray every 18 minutes.
Hang in there things will get better in Michigan soon!
I 2nd second negative pressure, put in an inline fan and have it duct outside, use a carbon filter (crap overall) or get an inline uv/ozone filter that will eliminate all odors before it blows it outside, negative pressure will keep smell out of the house, this is how I do it, no problems.
I would only grow in the house if I was a caregiver and not a user OR only one of the parents was not a patient. If dad is growing/smoking but mom is clean there isn't shit they can do... If both parents are getting high then you might have a harder battle.
Never trust a government parasite when it comes to your children....
Fans?neg pressure? Sure good ideas. All that and you still are risking your kids.
My business was 'growing growers'. No more. If you have children I will not help you.
You virgins need to go hug your kids.. I can't
So because someone has kids they should be inelgible to choose a natural medicine instead of chemicals... Bullshit..
There nothing mmmp law that states if you have card you can't grow mmj if you have kids.
Just be responsible...put a dead bolt on the door and on your different room doors. Attach a copy of drivers license and medical card on your grow room doors.
Never leave any paraphonilia or mmj in a unlocked storage container, where there is a slight chance that they could get it.
Now if your a care giver with over 50 plants I won't do it... federal gov. Might think differently to risky...
If you have kids do not take any risk...follow the rules at all times, you are responsible! :D
I have this issue (child in home). Spoke with NORMAL lawyer in Colorado.

All marijuana behind locked access is ok.

Smell is bad. Not illegal in some jurisdictions but will get unwanted attention.

Biggest problem, cops don't know the law or don't care. They csn and will run you through the ringer regardless of compliance thus costing you big legal fees.

In short, make grow undetectable. Period. Your kid going to school smelling like pot or a neighbor saying kids and pot are together will get a visit from child services.
Exactly... I tell no one I have a card and my kid's don't know anything about it. Be fore I started I bought automatic fire extinguishers and bought a 8" carbon filter system for my 12 plants. Family comes to my house often, never once even suspected anything.... just stay under the radar. .