Growing Without Carbon Filter


New Member
Hi Everyone ;

I live in an apartment at the top floor and have one empty room which has a window to start my first grow .Temperature is not an issue due to climate where i live.I can keep the window open all the time.

For 4 auto plants do i really need a carbon filter? I haven't been in a growing place before, so i can't imagine the odour production of plants.


Well-Known Member
I had 2 autos in a grow box that had pc fans and a bit of carbon from a fish aquarium. I knew it was smelly when i could smell it when i turned on to my street.

When you get late in flower it is hard to ignore the skunky aroma unless you happen to have a low odor strain. That just means it smells like a skunk across the street.

If it is illegal scrub it. If it is legal who cares :D

PS do not use scented stuff to mask it, your herb will taste like spring meadows or ocean breeze or whatever.


New Member
I had 2 autos in a grow box that had pc fans and a bit of carbon from a fish aquarium. I knew it was smelly when i could smell it when i turned on to my street.

When you get late in flower it is hard to ignore the skunky aroma unless you happen to have a low odor strain. That just means it smells like a skunk across the street.

If it is illegal scrub it. If it is legal who cares :D

PS do not use scented stuff to mask it, your herb will taste like spring meadows or ocean breeze or whatever.
Thank you so much for the reply,regards


Well-Known Member
Check out "ona gel" I bought a gallon of it from Amazon because I could not find it at any store, but it's wonderful for covering the odor if you don't have a carbon filter. I put about 2 cups of the gel into Solo cups then place them around my house. But never put this crap inside your tent, or even close to your intake fan. It can alter the flavor/scent of your bud.


Well-Known Member
If your growing in an apartment, a carbon filter is a must. Even if your in a legal state and have a legal plant count why have the police stop by. Here in Colorado, they just search the house for your headstash. They don’t spend any time in the actual grow room. They are expensive but if your in a legal state you can get them super cheap off Craigslist although you’ll never know how long it’s been ran.

Honestly stinking up your whole floor would be dick move. Your neighbors will be smelling that shit from their couches every night.


Well-Known Member
My last one was a stinker. Literally eyewatering when the tent door was open, now that its dried, double bagging it is ineffective.
If i didnt have the filter I would be divorced, my entire house, clothes, etc would have been stinking. It was a 2 ft plant, almost 3 oz dry.
Good filter is just as important as a good light


Well-Known Member
Don’t risk it if there could be trouble involved..I have a carbon filter but it needs new charcoal because I can smell it outside the house when it’s late in flower and when it’s harvest time the smell is too much and very nerve racking..Good luck man and be safe because while it’s ok for the government to sel it and make money some states are still locking people up every day over this..God bless one love


Well-Known Member
Omg they have super cheap scrubbers of every size on eBay -- just get a fan and scrubber combo for less than $40 and have piece of mind. When I was young, dumb, and full of c....[hold that thought] ... I grew in an apartment and omg, the smell hit you down the hallway. The neighbors had to be thinking, "WTF". When you're young you have more balls than brains though. LMAO

Even during veg with 24/0 and only a couple plants without a scrubber running the smell from a basement travels... when you have half a pound of wet bud stinking up the air.. forget about it!

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone ;

I live in an apartment at the top floor and have one empty room which has a window to start my first grow .Temperature is not an issue due to climate where i live.I can keep the window open all the time.

For 4 auto plants do i really need a carbon filter? I haven't been in a growing place before, so i can't imagine the odour production of plants.
You want to know what it will smell like? Leave a few ounces laying around in your living room for the entire day... it will probably smell worse.

A Good Brand Carbon Filter will get rid of the smell. A cheap Carbon Filter may or may not help.

And Temperature is Always an issue... it just depends how you're growing. A 1000W HPS light will definitely heat up a room, a 100W LED will not.