growingodsweed's first medical crop... Is it READY???

Grown outdoor with only miracle grow soil, and at first sign of flowering I gave them a couple inches of chicken manure. No 25x scope to look up close if ready, so looking for your input! Planted first week in May, 5 Gallon buckets, in Northern California.

First post! Seems like a good informative and friendly forum...


Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I would say no, its not ready to cut yet. Outdoor here we still have a few weeks left. The majority of youe pistils are still white, I would say another two weeks maybe.... If your using miracle grow, make sure to not only give it only water, but to flush it. Miracle gfow can leave time released chemical residues in your bud. Not tastey...or smooth. But the plant is looking nice. Start giving it molasses 1 or 2 tblsp per gallon of water, the potassium will help to thicken up the buds and bring weight, the sulfer better pungency in the oils, and carbs will help it to finish strong. At the store if you have the choice between grandma's and brer rabbit, get the rabbit. Full flavor if they have it, more nutritious.


Well-Known Member
its Norcal buddy. you DONT have to worry about:

the cold

these are the 3 biggest destroyers of crops. dont get so excited to smoke it..... there are alot of people out here in canada harvesting immature fluffy buds, wishing we could just leave out plants alone.....

i can tell from the pics that it still has at LEAST 2 weeks to go before harvest. i would hope for 3 more weeks that should finish her up nicely.

the best 3 indicators of when its ready are:
1 when the bud stops growing
2 80%+ pistols have turned brown
3 15%+ Crystals have turned brown.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
its Norcal buddy. you DONT have to worry about:

the cold

these are the 3 biggest destroyers of crops. dont get so excited to smoke it..... there are alot of people out here in canada harvesting immature fluffy buds, wishing we could just leave out plants alone.....

i can tell from the pics that it still has at LEAST 2 weeks to go before harvest. i would hope for 3 more weeks that should finish her up nicely.

the best 3 indicators of when its ready are:
1 when the bud stops growing
2 80%+ pistols have turned brown
3 15%+ Crystals have turned brown.
Thats not completely true about not having to worry about humiditu rain or temp. Of course its not like we live in canada, but the humidity goes up and temp goes down, especially through october. The main reason for losing GDP here, aside from blasted thieves, is getting bud rot from cold and moisture. Thats if you,re in the mountains at least. If you're in santa cruz, no worries, but north of that and above 1000 feet weather does become an issue...


Well-Known Member
you OBVIOUSLY dont know JJ and Hodge.

Double JJ

take a look at the other people growing in your area.... maybe get to know them....

P.S. you DO NOT have to worry about temps and humidity. thats the last of your worries. the only thing you have to worry about if theives. we get 3 C every night (thats 35 F.....) the plants up here are just starting to rot.......

lets look at cali's nightly temps....
Friday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 55.
thats the absolute LOWEST its going to get in the highest regions around.

PP.S 1000 feet isnt a mountain. im @ 3500 feet and im still not in the mountains buddy.

your just scared because someone told you something. its WRONG.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Ok, then I guess I'm wrong about harvesting with snow on the ground and just hoping your GDP doesnt get any rot, oh, damn, theres a spot, fuck, another spot of rot... I havent seen it happen many times.... You're right. And some strains that take a long time do.t finish untill late october...when its still balmy and 40 degrees out in the day time. I know its not canada, and I know he isnt going to get rot NOW.... BUT CO ME ON MAN....shoot me out of the sky like never been around the block


Well-Known Member
shoot me out of the sky like never been around the block
because you obviously havn't. i supplied the OP with 2 threads, to speak with people in the area.... who are currently harvesting 2-5 LBS per plant.

they have been around the block. they know cali is the single best spot in NA to grow marijuana, even better than mexico because of the zoning. they know not to BITCH because they have it better than everyone else.

you dont, so you ovbiously dont know to much about the Cali grow scene.

@Growingodsweed even if it does start to freeze you dont have to worry unless the humidity goes past 60% (i have harvested weed with snow on the ground....). Budworms will be your biggest problem (Theiving bastards!) so far they have gotten a couple plants on the other threads,

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
because you obviously havn't. i supplied the OP with 2 threads, to speak with people in the area.... who are currently harvesting 2-5 LBS per plant.

they have been around the block. they know cali is the single best spot in NA to grow marijuana, even better than mexico because of the zoning. they know not to BITCH because they have it better than everyone else.

you dont, so you ovbiously dont know to much about the Cali grow scene.

@Growingodsweed even if it does start to freeze you dont have to worry unless the humidity goes past 60% (i have harvested weed with snow on the ground....). Budworms will be your biggest problem (Theiving bastards!) so far they have gotten a couple plants on the other threads,
wow man...thats a lot coming from a guy in canada to a guy born and raised in Northern california...and I should hope your friends are getting 2-5 pounds a plant out door.... perhaps the thing that you dont know about cali is the reason that it is such a wonderful place to grow is because of its varying climates. You can find all the climate zones in this state, and SOME of the climate zones CAN have problems. And i was never bitching about my zone to begin with man,,,,all i originally said is that it is possible to have growing complications due to climate... it is possible to get budrot outside if it gets too cold and wet. Which happens. You're a rude person... my family together has been growing outdoor in northern cali since the mid sixties man. My family and I have been doing this for a living for a bit, I know a little about the Northern California scene....fucking rude ass canook. You presume to know too much about a place and a person you are a thousand miles away from. how rude.


Well-Known Member
about the place, actualy i know tonnes about cali. having gone there and saved your ass for the last 2 fires.

i've spent alot of time in cali, i know about the "varying climates" they dont vary that much.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Oh, then I guess you having been here to fight fires means you know all these things about here that I must be wrong about. I,ve been to Canada, I guess that must mean I know more about it ghan you. And yes, the climates do vary a lot from the hottest recorded place on earth to glaciers to deltas deffinately know more about my home than I do. Jesus man, this is a weed forum, toke up befor coming on and pissing all over the place.


Well-Known Member
You two are ruining a perfectly good thread. I mean c'mon. This is our new homeboys first post on the forum and you guys are just mucking it up with your bickering. We all have the right to try and resolve issues between one another, but please do it on your own space. You may have forgotten but the person who started this thread wrote, "First post! Seems like a good informative and friendly forum...". Please dont prove him wrong.

@growinggodsweed Great looking plants bud! Give them a few more weeks.
The link corbat provided you with has pictures in the first post that will help you tremendously. Throw up some pictures when theyre fully done!

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
You two are ruining a perfectly good thread. I mean c'mon. This is our new homeboys first post on the forum and you guys are just mucking it up with your bickering. We all have the right to try and resolve issues between one another, but please do it on your own space. You may have forgotten but the person who started this thread wrote, "First post! Seems like a good informative and friendly forum...". Please dont prove him wrong.

@growinggodsweed Great looking plants bud! Give them a few more weeks.
The link corbat provided you with has pictures in the first post that will help you tremendously. Throw up some pictures when theyre fully done!
You're completely right,, my apologies growingodsweed and rdg greenthumb. Didnt mean to turn it all sour....


Well-Known Member
@growingodsweed you can PM me whenever you need help or info, or just have questions.... im usualy on the forum all day haha.

@RDG, with respect. i didnt start anything and im actualy trying to help the noobie. contrary to filthy phil's opinion i do actualy know alot about cali and the grow scene...... seeing as we can cross borders..... for the record, im hating on filthy phil because he's shown his ignorance is certain regards, which are evident in his posts. saying the OP should worry about bud rot and the temperature when there is no rain in site and the average humidity in his area is around 55%...... i know this from friends who live in the exact area of the OP (north coast..), which i can call any time day or night....... thus, he is spreading mis-information to the OP. mis-information which if taken to heart could possibly make his smoking and growing experiance as pleasurable as possible.
you deffinately know more about my home than I do
really? so all of a sudden all of california is included in the region that is Norcal? so we can all forget about Socal, centeral, island empire, centeral valley.... yea, there ALL in Norcal.... shows how much YOU know about "your home". im talking about Northern California, and unless your growing on MT shasta, you dont have anything to worry about.....

i didn't say there arn;t varying climates in california, but in Norcal it doesn't range to much (except for mt shatsa, but no one lives on the glacier, buddy...)

sorry for having to stand up for proper information. but i HATE mis-information when people might fuck up peoples grows.


Well-Known Member
You two are ruining a perfectly good thread. I mean c'mon. This is our new homeboys first post on the forum and you guys are just mucking it up with your bickering. We all have the right to try and resolve issues between one another, but please do it on your own space. You may have forgotten but the person who started this thread wrote, "First post! Seems like a good informative and friendly forum...". Please dont prove him wrong.

@growinggodsweed Great looking plants bud! Give them a few more weeks.
The link corbat provided you with has pictures in the first post that will help you tremendously. Throw up some pictures when theyre fully done!
nice glad you posted +rep