Growlab GL80

Hi guys,

Can someone who has a gl80 or knowledge on them, tell me about where the ports are located on this tent and how many are there? I ordered one on its reputation alone, the site wasnt very informative about vent and port locations. Any light you guys can shed on this is much appreciated!!!


Anyone? All the descriptions I can find online just talk about all the growlab models at once saying things like "some models have this or most models have that", but dont specifically say exactly what the gl80 has.


i just picked one up last week and am slowly putting it together there are a total of 5 round ports 2 near the top and 3 near the bottom im going to b running a 120watt led for now but the guy i got it off of was running a 600. i have mine in my garage so right now im tring to get the temps rt before i get some clones just ordered a 4 inch s&p inline fan and carbon filter so im hoping this will work for me