Growmans 2013 Monsters, 4 Month Indoor Veg, 4 LB. Per Plant Minimum


Well-Known Member
nice man, you ought to stop by my thread. im going to be diving into DWC verry soon so could use the experience you have as i dont have many DWC followers.


Well-Known Member
im just going to be runing general hydroponics bllom and gro, flora series i think its called.

well water and ph up and down and i think i will be good.


Well-Known Member
whatchutalkin bout Willis. Thats falsley true bro ! Beers flowen. Also you were right I saw one of the wild turkey bottles we have going for 100 bones on ebay .
Gobble gobble cha ching!! Man if that factory ever burns down theyll go up 10 x. Bada bing cha ching!...dont tell your brother lol id better have a glass of turkey right now and raise the value of your collectables :):):)


Well-Known Member
So guys whats good tonight?

Ninja great plants as always, hows that basil coming along?
I made a load of pesto a while back, i have another one going but its not dwc. I got a dwc jalapeno plant thats getting big under my hps and a brussel sprout plant hiding in the back, i dont know if you can see them in the pic but japs are behind the tote and brussels are behind the bucket on the left :) im drinkin turkey tonight :):)


Well-Known Member
Still perked up, still no sign of roots on all clones, going on day 5 now.
I got one at seven days and no roots yet but im about to take her out of the dome cause shes lookin good. I usually take them out at 7 days and ive had 100% success so far. I just put some water in the bottom of the tray. Glad shes doin good:):)