what i dont understand is that you got all this knowlege on growing indoors
but you dont have a clue on growing outdoors...
dont take me the wrong way , im not knockin you on that
i just think outdoors is so much easyier then indoors
if i had a good spot to grow outdoor i would choose that route over the hassels of an indoor grow
i dont mean its a hassel to grow indoors ,
just you dont got to worry about roomates , landlords , adjusting lights , keepin right temp , ect.
i love growin indoors myself , i like haveing my babies by my side where their safe
but outdoors has a lot of conveienceies ,
but alot of pest , deer , rabbits and shit....
id say fuck it get your clones right and introduce them to the sunlight a few hours a day
then end up transplanting them out their...
growing is nice , but havein a place to live is a little nicer.....