
I'm done... I'm not as experienced as you all,that is obvious... It should be obvious to you all that I have no idea what you all are talking about when you throw Ec,ppms,all that technical talk,I spent my time running the streets selling crack... I went to prison... You can't learn about growing weed in prison, they wont let you get those kinds of things in there... So when I came home I jumped right in with both feet, following everything that I saw without understanding what I was doing... Still don't... But I am not going to be the object of ridicule for anyone... I'm trying to show respectability here but its obvious that I won't get the same thing back... I don't even pray, but I will pray for all of you,that you will treat people with the same respect that you want to be treated with... AMEN...
EC stands for electrical conductivity, it is a number and in a simple way for our purpose it says how strong your food is. Higher the number is, more food is presented in your nutrient solution. PPM stands for parts per milion and its completely the same thing just different units. Being uneducated in this you are only showing us that you do not know basics out of basics. Thats the first thing you concern about when mixing your food. Looks like you already have internet so I am just wondering where the problem is…? And yes believe it or not, you can get some relatively cheap and you can stop burning your plants, which is your main issue. Good luck!
Why don’t you try taking a step back and just running soil, dry amendments and only tap water?
Man,I been said that... I have a 10 pound bag of Nature's Living Soil coming Tuesday, and I have two bags of Mother Earth soil in the room already, and I have plants already growing in Mother Earth and worm castings that I will top dress with the Living Soil...
I'm not lazy!!! I'm running between 4 or 5 tents!!! What I am probably is overwhelmed!!! If I was lazy,my plants would be far worse than they are!!! If I was lazy, I would just let these bitches go and do whatever!!!
If you aren't lazy why can you spend 5 minutes learning about EC/ppm. Hell you could watch a YouTube video about it that a 10 year old could understand.

You are dumping way too much nutrients on your plants and wondering why they look like shit. That's like taking your car out for a ride blindfolded and then being shocked that you crashed your car.

You're also not mixing your MegaCrop correctly. You can just take a scoop and dump it all in your water and try to mix it up.
It should be obvious to you all that I have no idea what you all are talking about when you throw Ec,ppms,all that technical talk,

I don't know if it's stubbornness or pride, but how can people help diagnose the problem if you won't give basic info about what you are doing?

4 pages and all we know is you use Mega

Which one? How much? What mixing order? Since we finally learned you dont measure ec, just give grams, teaspoons or whatever.

Whats your water, RO, tap? Is there a water softner?
This is probably the cheapest one you will find.
EC or PPM is just telling you how strong your feed is.
Good Luck.
I'm done... I'm not as experienced as you all,that is obvious... It should be obvious to you all that I have no idea what you all are talking about when you throw Ec,ppms,all that technical talk,I spent my time running the streets selling crack... I went to prison... You can't learn about growing weed in prison, they wont let you get those kinds of things in there... So when I came home I jumped right in with both feet, following everything that I saw without understanding what I was doing... Still don't... But I am not going to be the object of ridicule for anyone... I'm trying to show respectability here but its obvious that I won't get the same thing back... I don't even pray, but I will pray for all of you,that you will treat people with the same respect that you want to be treated with... AMEN...
Water Quality Tester, Accurate and Reliable, HoneForest TDS Meter, EC Meter & Temperature Meter 3 in 1, 0-9990ppm, Ideal Water Test Meter for Drinking Water, Aquariums, etc.
Under $15, this is my backup meter.
Reading through this. It seems you hit the wall of 'just put seeds in the pot' and fly by the seat of your pants. But really from what I can tell, you've been pretty successful without doing any of the legwork for the details. That's actually pretty awesome and suggests that as you start learning about EC/PPM and pH, nutrient measurements and all the other stuff, you'll have true success.

The truth is that none of the detail stuff is terribly hard to understand. You just need to read through the stuff and pull out the basics. Easy enough and not a problem to spend a few hours going through the details.

Earlier you said this:
"Everything that I have been doing has been experimental until I find what really works for me, because what works for someone else is doesn't necessarily mean that it will work for me because I'm not knowledgeable about hardly any of the things you all are..."

So you've sort of created a lose/lose situation for yourself. You started by not following any of the basics that help get people off the ground then compounded that by being experimental to find out what works for you. But hard to find out what works for you if the building blocks aren't sound and you haven't created a fair playing field for you to succeed. Then it's super easy to get frustrated when it doesn't work but also don't have a good idea how to fix it.

Doing 'experimental' without the basics in place ends up just being 'taking random shots into the dark' to find out what works. That could be a viable thing if you happen to stumble on the right moves, but overall it's just a really slow non-methodical way to maybe find success, and in the end expends lots of energy and most likely just ends up in heightened frustration.

I know this sound boring...but why not start tabla rasa and do a ground up basic grow by the books to see how and why it works, tighten down the screws on your technique and processes; then use what you've learned to apply it however you want to grow moving forward?