Grrrrrrrr someone ganked my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it might have been a teenager or someone who didn't know the growth process. If she wasn't even ready yet, what good would cutting it down do? Were they budding at all?

Have to agree it sounds like someone you may know that knew you were growing. If there was obvious evidence that someone was all over your property, they were looking for the plants.

Sorry man. That sucks.


Active Member
Stupid ass thieves...hope they choke on it and have a hernia. It's crazy....shady people are all around us living off of greed and evil. We all need to be more cautious and beware of fucked up assholes like these thieves.

Sorry it happened to you....growing inside may be safer for you. Shit.shit.shit!


Well-Known Member
Ya they got 5 of my girls too, almost the same time you posted this thread, mine weren't ready either...... I hate thieves why can't they just grow there own.....:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Ya they got 5 of my girls too, almost the same time you posted this thread, mine weren't ready either...... I hate thieves why can't they just grow there own.....:cuss:
They were probably little scumbag kids, who dont have a clue how to grow,and dont have a clue about life, and they like going around stealing people's shit and then go around telling people they grew it!


Well-Known Member
Didn't any of you go apple knocking when you were kids? you know stealing apples from peoples gardens ect, guess this is like the next generations version, just like we used to have toy guns, the fukers these days have real ones, you are never gonna be able to grow outdoor now unless you move, because they will always come back on the odd occasion, even if its years later, because one night 1 of these punks is gonna want some weed and stop by just to see if you grown some more, get a huge dog or maybe 2 like me, i have a uge shed full of alsorts of goodys, and i don't even have to lock it my dogs would eat the little fuckers for breakfast


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing fuckin red..they fuckin cut them down and ganked'em. I wanna go turn the fuckin neighborhood upside down. They weren't even ready....:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

that sucks !!:-(
is it legal where you are ? if not id be mad parinod after that

would you be happier if they took them when they were ready ?
i think it would be best that they didnt get the mature shit;-)
+rep for the loss !


Well-Known Member
Just another reason to get a big ass dog! or two!

I have two pit bulls and a little terrier (who is usually first to bark, and alerts the other two dogs). I can leave the gate to my yard open and my dogs only wonder around my front yard, so I know someone cant just come by and open the gate and let them out (of course with those electric fences that are just wires and shock your dog if they get too close, you could use any dog.


Well-Known Member
DANG! Them "girlz" were more like full blown bitches. They couldn't have been THAT hard to find!? A couple more weeks and Santa Claus would have tried to put presents under that fucker!

I really feel for you. Take comfort knowing that she wasn't ready yet . . . and next year you'll have the pleasure of shooting the bastards. Maybe leave something else out with bear-trap nearbye?
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Active Member
wow growing outside for me is but a dream,having them stolen a nightmare, i agree with baz who said that your garden will never be safe again, you need a big dog that has a bite far worse than it's bark.


Well-Known Member
Don't get a dog get two spitting cobras!!!!!!!Get some fishing hooks and tie them to the main stem so if they do pull them, you can catch them.


New Member
Don't get a dog get two spitting cobras!!!!!!!Get some fishing hooks and tie them to the main stem so if they do pull them, you can catch them.
Dude... no lie haha thats what people do here in Kentucky... but not with spitting cobra's they do it with rattle snakes and shit haha, works well I suppose... but Id kill the snakes for those trees =)