GR’s Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017

VG, I plan on flipping when most of the screen is full. The way they are growing I expect them to be ready in a few weeks. I have time, I have to flip prior to 6/30 as I plan on harvesting in mid Sept, dry and cure before I leave on a 5 week trip to Costa Rica. Going house hunting for a possible move.

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Decided to redo the light stand for the lower lamp.
The four post stand I made does not allow for keeping the lamps the same distance from the plants. I can get the plants at the closest is 11" with two plants, the other three are 16" from the lamp. The problem is the legs of the stand will not allow for equal distance between the 5 plants. I could back all plant to the 16" but that limits the power of the lamps.
So, today I redid the lamp setup. Removed the stand and hung both lamps one above the other.
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Now all plants are 11 inches from the lamps. The two that had been doing the best were the two that were closest to the lamps at 11", now all are getting the same lights.
Will be headed into town tomorrow to replace the lower lamp it has tendency to cut off with any movement inside tent. They are covering it as it seems to be a short in the lamp itself. I thought at first it was the ballast but I switched the lamps and the same lamp cut off in the other ballast also.



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I have a bunch of vertical socket cordsets. They'd be a lot easier to hang your lights than what you've got.

Please explain how that works, I believe I can remove the excess hardware, but it hangs so nice going to leave it for a while.
Day 39 from sprout!
Changed the water times from every 8 hrs (tended to be too wet) to every 12 (drier than I want). So going back to every 8 hrs, two settings at 8 min per setting (no runoff) and one setting will be 10 to12 min to get 30+% runoff.

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Got a few more weeks of veg, will be doing some minor defo and a little supercropping as needed.
Here is the new setup for the lights. Have both lights hanging now. 13" from the plants and no heat issues yet.
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Day 2, 12/12 Generative Period of 2 to 3 for stretch and bud formation.

Fabulous growth now, drinking a lot.
The defo I did on Wed. is filled in and we are started flower on Sat. night.
This morning I pull the ladies out of the tent for some pics and a little cleanup of the tray. After putting the plants back into the tent I began a rez empting flush. There was about 12 gallons left in both rez's and I ran the drip till they were empty. Then did a cleaning of both upper and lower rez's, mild clorox solution and a thorough triple rinse. I am very impressed with the EC and pH of the rinsate that passed through they pots and into the catch container, 1.15 EC and 5.69 pH, final reading before dumping .
Nute solution back in the rez's at 1.3 EC and pH of 5.79.
The ladies are resting now as I am running my lights from 10 PM to 10 AM, may adjust that as summer rears its hot ugly self.
The Harem
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The ladies on parade
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Lining up to get to that wonderful light
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Now goodnight Ladies!

Ok y'all, I need some assistance.
One week into 12/12 and they have stretched beyond the screens. My options are, LST, but it's the top of the plants so not a lot of room to LST. Super Crop, thinking around 10" down the main stem, this is really questionable. I know I can't just let it go as it is near the top of the tent.
Taken on 6/9, 4 of 5 have just reached the top of the screen. Now three of them are above the screen.
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These two were taken today inside the tent. This is two of the three over the top of the frame.
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Note most have grown 4 inches since that group shot yesterday.

What do y'all think?

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Day 9 of 12/12.
Well you're right CW, that's what I have done.
Saturday evening I removed the plants from the tent and began Super Cropping, main stem and some of the other upper branches.
This morning I pulled the ladies from the tent and all SC areas have turned up toward the lights, so I did some tieing of the SC main and branches and did a medium defo. Moving bud sites around to fill in voids on the screen, this will continue until the screen is full.
When I put them back in the tent I backed them away from the light a couple of inches as with this growth rate they will be back in the lights by tomorrow.
As I said I did a medium defo this morning and here they are.

They are resting now, while doing the scheduled watering at 7 I noticed that a few of the drippers were not performing as they should so I removed them all, did a flow test and replaced a couple of the drippers, all is well now.
Was ask about this.
I am running my base at 300 to 350 in veg and 400 to 500 in flower. Have my rez at at 1.2 EC and over a 24 hr period my pH floats from a starting point of 5.75+ to 6.0. I finely figured out to let my nute mix rest for 24 to 48 hours prior to putting it in the rez and not to constantly recirculate my lower and upper rez's and it helps keep my pH stable. The ladies are looking great no overfeeding here, Less is More!

Here is the last mix I made on Monday morning and put in the rez Tuesday night. This was 6 gallon RO and 9 gallons rainwater.chart.jpg

What I have done this grow is at the end of a week's rez use, which I fill ever two days, I let the rez get down to around 6 gallons, pH to 5.8 and run my drip till I empty the rez, this flushes my ladies. When done my EC of the waste water was 1.3 to 1.4, taken at different points of flush, and pH is right at 5.8. Then refill the lower rez with the new nute solution and pH in that rez before I pump to the upper rez for distribution. This has really worked well and I will continue doing this throughout the grow. When I do this type of flush I also add the high rate of SM90 15 ml/5 gal for fungal gnats. Had them fuckers destroyed a grow. I do this instead of adding SM90 to my rez for daily distribution as I have found that SM90 causes a oil slime in my rez, Seems to be working fine this way.
I am supercropping, LST, binding and tying them ladies like I was a masochist, LOL
I know I will love the results but it is requiring a shit load of work. And I this is supposed to be a HOBBY.
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