Well-Known Member
about a pound? you know the deal around here GR lol.
loooking good my man! can't wait to see your vert. wish i had the space to do a proper one.
Thanks Rocky,
LOL, your right. That's using the DEA formula, I am using the tried and true method of approx. 75% of wet weight wet so somewhere in the 5 to 6 zip range, I hope at least! LOL
How you been buddy, did I tell you my son, who has been building hotels and having to travel all over, got a job local with a custom home builder as their construction Super. He says it is a whole different world, but fairly the same only smaller scale. Now he does not have to move my grandchildren all over hell and high water.

Well I harvest the SCH in a week, so let's rock.
Good to see you my friend,