Gsc phosphorus issues


New Member
Hey guys I am having issues with my plants here. I thought I had a phosphorus issues with them. They are showing heavy purple in stems and yellowing tips. They are in promix all purpose and have been getting feed 1/2 strength sensi grow, sensi Cal, orcha roots, with ro water and a little vinager to bring pH down. Rh 40-50, 70F, under 600 hps. The leaves are showing yellowing spots throughout the leaf and then they are shivering up and dying. The new growth is starting to show signs too. I need help this my first grow and having some problems please check em out.


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Idk why but she showed her sex early on. These are clones so I think the guy cut his plants while they where in flower and that might be why she demand so much phosphorus
I really don't know the cause but I hope she rebounds I'm going to transplant once they dry out a bit to 5 gal buckets, and give them a good flush with sensi Cal and pH ro water here on Wednesday
Next step wait to dry, transplant, flush with pH water and sensi cal. We will see. They aren't looking good. The new growth has issues too. And they are now doing some really funny stuff. Idk if they will make it
I have a suggestion for your next grow if you are going to grow in soil again.
1) Pick one plant and give it only water until a deficiency arrives. You will be suprised at what a big beautiful plant you can grown with just water.
2) Take pictures of the whole plant once a week.
3) When a deficiency shows up post pictures. It will be very easy for someone to diagnose a deficiency when the plant was given nothing but water and you will have taken the 1st step toward understanding the strain that you are growing in the soil you are using.

If bought in Canada it says it has 9 months of controlled release fertilizer. America just the starter charge which when I test a bale of pro mix Hp is about 1.4 ec.

I think it's too much nutes. You can see the salt buildup around the bottom of the pots. I would simply leach with fresh water only. No cal. No vinegar and add back a low like 15 to 25% complete Grow fertilizer dose also to good runoff.

Then wait to see improvement before adding anything else.

Fully mature larger plants need half doses of fertilizer. Not teenagers.

And you didn't mention why you are using ro water but it tends to cause more problems than most tap water to n peat mix. No alkalinity in it. Therefore no buffer. Using cal mag should not be nessesary with complete nutes.
Growth slowed. Not only phosphorus issues but something g else to. And my gaint kush plants started doing the same but after a full strength nutes they stopped and resumed to rigorous growth
I was having the exact same problems. It turns out it was over watering.
The roots were drowning in water depleted of oxygen. First sign of that it phos deficiency. What follows are many other nute probs.

Your first pick is classic over watering... and the pics that follow are also classic signs of what follows.
I was having the exact same problems. It turns out it was over watering.
The roots were drowning in water depleted of oxygen. First sign of that it phos deficiency. What follows are many other nute probs.

Your first pick is classic over watering... and the pics that follow are also classic signs of what follows.

This was my first thought too. But the post said no overwatering occurred so I respected that. But it would sure lock out the nutes and look like the pics.

I don't water on any schedule because of this just like I mix nutes individually.