gting bak into it....naki skunk


Well-Known Member
afew more photos

day 45
she smells so yum its hard to hold back lol
every day i walk in the front door i gt hit by the smell lol
oh and gt my 70w hps in there nw i gt alot warmer so when it coms on ma missz opens da door to vent btw im wasted and the buds feel
tighter bt starting to gt the leaves the big lats yellowing and falling off



Well-Known Member
well i murded my girl but im nt to worried i cud have left hur alot longer but gotta keep up da suply lol nt much round dis time of year
i gt jst ova an once 29g but il loose alot of that in with da water weight and with my second trim heres sum photos it dnt look lyk much but itl gt me and da missz
WASTED enough,gt ma clones under da lights nw took heaps out only running 4 45ws and wil do so till i switch 12/12 again but gonna veg 4 2-3months
only coz i wnt a decnt grow lol no early chops,hopefuly gt sum clones from ma mate!!!
hopefuly drie by sat or sunday carnt wait!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
well im fukn glad i choped ma girl lol didnt relise dat she had been sprinkeld with abit of pollen frm
ma male dat i had in there didnt realise dat da balls on him had already popd or that a male of his size cud do that!


Well-Known Member
im not to sure as my scales died on me but i reakin half an ounce maby alil more but ive been smoking her hard out and shes been good a real head high and mega munchies