GT’s fast are they?

I'm to old to go out huntin lsd.

Had some GT a few months ago.Bout the same as you...3ish.Was still slightly moist though.Girlfriend said she was good.I'd like to go all in myself.:hump: fast are they?

I'm to old to go out huntin lsd.

Had some GT a few months ago.Bout the same as you...3ish.Was still slightly moist though.Girlfriend said she was good.I'd like to go all in myself.:hump:
Mine were 3 grams dried. Kicked in around 60 min mark that was a 36 hr fast before hand. @farmerfischer my body was cold for a bit then tingling it was good. I'm trying to see what's on there other side and help with PTSD issues.
Shoulda clarified that a bit......start to fast do they grow?
They didn't take but a couple of weeks to after inoculation and a week to start pinning after that I've been harvesting daily. Still on the first flush of these cakes. Second flush soon.ive already gotten 30 grams dried this far. I've got my big ass compost box I built for mushrooms. It got I ejected yesterday so in a few days should see it start colonizing.
33 mins in I can feel the coldness running up one leg and things seem to be getting much much brighter. This is most definitely going to be my last post as I can tell I’m going to be like this here soon. And the wife is on stand by for safety lol
Lol... Talk to you later
My take on ph tek. Here’s my mix coco, straw, brf cut with veg+bloom, and some compost of my own making. Currently 10qt of it and it is in a 16 qt container I drilled holes in the top and covered with one of these thin super breathable cloths my wife embroiders for a filter. Looked today and it is covered with happy mycelium already. An 10qt cake should produce at least 12 mushrooms or so lol.


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So how goes it? Interesting mix you have.. I've thought about using pelletized chicken manure mixed in peat and Coco..
A old dude on YouTube growing copalandia used it and it worked brilliantly..
So how goes it? Interesting mix you have.. I've thought about using pelletized chicken manure mixed in peat and Coco..
A old dude on YouTube growing copalandia used it and it worked brilliantly..
It is. I’m experimenting I researched heavy on what a mushroom needs for the best possible growth. From there I made my own and adjusted. It’s colonizing like mad.