Guerilla Grow + Greenhouse Closet Grow Journal 2014

Alot of my plants I don't really have a good photo record of but I'm starting this to try and encourage myself to do so. That being said I have a pretty good photos documenting the growth of two of my favorite Guerilla plants this year, the seeds both came out of a bag of Ringo OG from a dispensary.
IMG_1603.JPG June 6th

IMG_1627.jpg June 17th

IMG_1647.jpg June 24th
IMG_1671.jpg July 7th
IMG_1689.jpg July 28th

For the most part I water once every seven days they can handle ten days depending on how hot it is out. I added soil-moist water crystals to the soil I definitely recommend this product to other guerilla growers out there seriously cuts down waterings. One time they went thirteen days and were fine. You can see though on my most recent trip up they were thirsty af when I got there. from now on if theres a few days I cant water I'll make sure to water before that in case it gets real hot again.

Pics of more guerilla plants and a few greenhouse plants comin' up
This girl was either an Afghan seed or a bagseed from unknown bud I'm not sure everything got mixed up as seedlings. I've got some that I am 100% confident in and those I will specify afghan or bagseed, and many other that could be either, for the purpose of brevity I will call her, and the other plants I am unsure of ASBS (Afghanseed/andor/Bagseed)

June 24thIMG_1646.jpg

June 30thIMG_1657.jpg

July 7thIMG_1673.jpg

July 28thIMG_1690.jpgIMG_1646.jpg IMG_1657.jpg IMG_1673.jpg IMG_1690.jpg
August 6thimage.jpg Ringos

Here's the "asbs" lol clearly I was baked when I named that, image.jpg getting bigger but I feel like I can see some balls formingimage.jpgI only water once every 7-10 days it's not very hot where I'm at and it's been real foggy lately that in combination with the soil moist water holding crystals I have in the soil have everyone happy enough there's also time release 7-7-7 fert in the water crystals idon't think its organic but today was the first feeding other then that for every plant excluding the ringos. I sprinkled small handfuls of eb some bat gauno and eb stone bloom around the base of all the plants, and put a few drops. Cal mag in all the water hopefully none of them will burn I wouldn't be surprised if I burned some of the smaller ones as they're not used food Knock wood.


image.jpg left Buddha passion (only clone) the other two were definitely afghan seeds. They're the only plants I have in coco also the first plants I've ever grown in coco they seem to need less water and it was so fn easy to carry that brick up. I brought another one up today but I'll be dipped if I didn't lose a bottle of water for the first time today so I stashed the new brick and will wet it next trip I've got a fucking dozen seedlings in the greenhouse I need to get out desperately even once they're gone my greenhouse will still be too full we"ll see what happens with that. Top tier 2 biggest: image.jpg one is as one is bs the rest are asbs hahah. Bottom image.jpg 2 big plants are actually 4 plants (double potted) they were gifted to me by buddy maybe 2 months ago . Some of the seedlings are purple some are girls scout cookies and some are unknown. All seeds were just found in bags. Wish I could say the as or bs were quality but they were what I had the Ringo was high quality and the Buddha passion is a dispensary clone.well that's all my plants! Tell me what you think! Gunna keep updating this every watering . Peace
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