Guerilla grow in uk


so I just ordered 60 day lemon auto # and Lowryder 2 #. I ordered from pick n mix seeds - uk , they will come either tomorrow or the day after,

I will be guerilla growing with a mini glass greenhouse, they will probably be getting 16-17 hours of direct light (knowing how weather in shitland can be on average days there will be 10 hours of strong direct light ) my spot is pretty open so it's not to bad.

On crap days It shouldnt be to bad, because the glass seems to magnify the light,

I won't be using any nutes, just water and proper sun light.

il water every two days and after two weeks il give the leaves a quick spray of water every few days.

do drop by and have a quick look il keep Everyone posted with pics,

Feel free to drop some advice

( I have guerilla grown twice already
1st time when my plants started to bud someone trashed the site.)

the second time I done it all natural with easy Ryder and blue ryder and got a very good yield for autos.


Seeds arrived yesterday they r still germing at the moment, had a look at one before and it had cracked but I'm jus waiting for the root to show a bit more,
So they will be potted tomorrow...

Which way does the root go when I'm potting it ? (haven't grown anything for a bit )


Ok the lowryder 2 is on its 4th day vegging in its final medium.

The auto 60 day lemon is also on it's 4th day vegging ( seems to of developed a lot more than the lowryder) seems quite tall. Il upload pics if people r still viewing


I know it's gonna take abit, but their growing just as expected, my lemon auto even fell out of the pot and has grown rapid since its fell out, - so far so good