Guerilla grow plans for next year.


Active Member
So i tried to grow outdoors this year and failed. I planted groups of three plants in a few different areas. They ALL got eaten. So obviously this year i can fuck around. I plan to put some sort of fencing around em. Also heard of using wolf urine around your pants to scare animals away? what you guys think about that?

Also i been reading about pretreating the dirt in the fall/winter for the next growing season. So far i plan on finding my locations and digging some holes and dropping a fish or two in each hole and letting it break down over the winter season. is this a good idea or there any other things i can do to make the soil extra good for next year?

Im trying to plan this thing out good this time so i'll be adding more in here as i think of stuff. it would be cool if anyone that has done a guerilla grow could hook me up with some tips. thanks
my first year growing too i had alot of other problems but i had fencing around mine so none were eaten. id also like to know about the fish thing for preparing for next year.


Well-Known Member
For pretreating get some dolomite lime, gypsum and blood and bone and dig it into the ground so your plants have a solid organic base, you could even take some coco and worm casts so come next season you don't have to haul out any soil and the soil you grow in is already really good.
Liquid Fence, cheaper if you buy concentrate. I had a huge problem also this year. I have already ordered and received mine from Amazon for next year. $115 total for a 1 gallon concentrate. It makes 16 gallons which, even with multiple plots, will last a few seasons. That price includes a 1 gallon pump sprayer.


Active Member
Use liquid fence, moth balls and irish spring soap...a lot less noticeable than a fence.
Irish spring soap huh? what would you do shave it to little peieces and sprinkle it around? or suds it up in water and spray? i dont like the idea of using a fence either i need to be stealth in my situation. but i been reading and one guy uses fishing line and does a perimeter with that around his plants. I guess that would work good for larger animals, dears or w.e. I'm not really sure what ate mine..but i think it was small cause they left the tops. Also had a problem with putting my spot in such a remote spot it would take me an hour to find it for the first few times. Has anyone ever thought of doing an outdoor scrog guerilla grow? am i spelling guerilla wrong? idk if its cause im high but that word looks weird as fuck to me right now...anyways..thanks!


Active Member
Rats ate the soap I put at my guerilla grow site. And the only thing that stopped the deer predation was when I put up fencing, but the fencing made the site too noticeable so I took it back down. I have used Liquid Fence throughout my grow and while that did not stop the deer predation it made it where they would knock down a branch or two and then leave it alone because the plant tasted bad. You have to apply the fence more often than the label calls for though. If you only drench your site with it every third week, you will end up with a lot of pot eating deer. Human hair appeared to help, as did garlic clips, but nothing helped long term. You have to continually change the site up to keep the deer nervous about entering the garden area, because once they are in it they are going to munch down.
I am beginning to see better results year after year due to 1 main theme, System Redundancy. The deer issue for example, use multiple methods. Use liquid fence, spread dog hair and/or chicken feathers, take a piss whenever you are out there. Better yet if you have the stomach and the problem is bad enough, save your piss. Same thinking when it comes to plots. Plant in multiple locations to ensure a crop, and plant more than what you would normally to hedge your bets. Even if they all work out, have you ever had a problem of having TOO much smoke?


Active Member
I am beginning to see better results year after year due to 1 main theme, System Redundancy. The deer issue for example, use multiple methods. Use liquid fence, spread dog hair and/or chicken feathers, take a piss whenever you are out there. Better yet if you have the stomach and the problem is bad enough, save your piss. Same thinking when it comes to plots. Plant in multiple locations to ensure a crop, and plant more than what you would normally to hedge your bets. Even if they all work out, have you ever had a problem of having TOO much smoke?
Thanks man nice tip..never thought of using my own urine.


Well-Known Member
for sure and i also heard that wolf urine works good to keep animals away.. you can buy it in a powder form