Guerilla growing - Suitable plot? (pictures included)


Well-Known Member
But they wont produce unless there is plenty of sun min temps 24 deg/cel. Also bro i think this grow is finished 2009, just a guess.


Well-Known Member
yea, that's not a very good area, Its way to open, the area is quite low to the stream, if it rains, it might flood or wash away your plants. There is no where close to enough light with all those trees towering over you, especially once they grow a canopy of leaves. Look for really thick low lying areas. Like areas with tall thorns and all sorts of stuff you would NOT want to walk. And a minimum 5-6 hours of sunlight a day is needed. I suggest Google earth if your knew to scouting the woods, just view around where you want to grow and look for clearings, then go check them out. Google earth can save you a lot of time.


Well-Known Member
A south facing slope in the northern hemisphere will attract the maximum light throughout the summer. Sun rises in the east, goes overhead, then sets in the west. When the fall starts to come, the sun will not go as high in the sky. It will be in a more southern location, even at noon.
take his advice he knows what hes talkin about. but imo thats not the most ideal spot. its all lowland, and probably will flood out given a few days rain, it doesnt have good airflow or sun, which leave a goods oppurtunity for mold to set in. the only benifit i see is that nice little stream making it easier for water. and i just realized sumthing, planting on the southside will provide better light during veg, and the northside better light in flower. based on the trajectory of the sun and the time of the year so keep that in mind