That’s great news mg ,now get your ass out there and bang a crop in , cheersPretty much guaranteed to go to prison with my record. Just spoke with my attorney. State is already offering me 2 yrs of probation and $500 fine with 30 hours community service. I just about fucking fell over. Wooooow. I called to see about getting stipulations in my bond conditions allowing me to travel. What a glorious surprise.
It's been a while hasnt it mateLove you brother. It's good to hear from you man.
I think I'm going to be busy working. I need to pay my debts down. Still don't know for sure that I'll be traveling but is looking that way.That’s great news mg ,now get your ass out there and bang a crop in , cheers
No time brother. I know Illinois prisons are packed but they still send non violent offenders to the joint. I have caught one hell of a break. My pd bumped up the court date to next week. About 58 days from my initial arrest. I've never had the wheels of injustice turn so quickly to a conclusion. Two years of regular probation and this will be behind me. I've done drug court before, regular probation is a walk through the park in comparison lol. I'veIt's been a while hasnt it mate
Had a tough last year but I've come thru the other side and better for it now back to the real rubes.
I'm gonna miss your thread if you go away but I know you will be back better than ever !!
got your pm brotherNo time brother. I know Illinois prisons are packed but they still send non violent offenders to the joint. I have caught one hell of a break. My pd bumped up the court date to next week. About 58 days from my initial arrest. I've never had the wheels of injustice turn so quickly to a conclusion. Two years of regular probation and this will be behind me. I've done drug court before, regular probation is a walk through the park in comparison lol. I've
I've found upwards of 10lbs worth of morels. This was what I found yesterday.
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Glad to hear that for you brother. Bass are closed here in Michigan and we're just starting to find shrooms. Nice hall
Bass are closed everywhere I know when there obviously spawning and bellies full of eggs like shown in the picture.But yes I got better things to ponder just wanted to point out that its a bad practice like I stated in my original post especially in a small closed system like a farm pond.Definitely not a public pond or that waterway would of been fished out already,but guess that might be mute now lol.
Sorry for my less than civil response. It's a 17 yr old pond and about 3 acres in size. I'm about the only person who pulls fish from it. I'm very mindful of how much and what size. If I didn't fish it as I do it would be overpopulated and be full of mostly 1/2 lb to 1 lb fish. If it was a public fishing hole then the strategy would need to be different. I go out of my way to be a wise steward of the 3 ponds I have responsibility for. With farm ponds winter kills and Summer turnovers that wipe out all the fish are not uncommon. It only takes a farm pond the size of 3 acres give or take a little 3 years before you can start keeping fish out it. Within 5 you can be well on your way to a honey hole if stocked and fished properly.Bass are closed everywhere I know when there obviously spawning and bellies full of eggs like shown in the picture.But yes I got better things to ponder just wanted to point out that its a bad practice like I stated in my original post especially in a small closed system like a farm pond.Definitely not a public pond or that waterway would of been fished out already,but guess that might be mute now lol.
Largemouth Bass are not bottom feeders and are as clean tasting as blue Gill and crappie. Catfish on the other hand are nasty ass bottom feeders. Around here a lot of guys throw catfish in a horse trough of fresh water for 3 or 4 days then fillet them out.In Michigan it don't matter if it's a farm pond or mud puddle. It's illegal to possess a bass until opener. Large Mouth taste like mud
I hope your legal woes are easing up. So hey, I'm getting ready to place my first Dragon's Flame order. How did this batch turn out?It appears that I am going to be working relatively close to home. Meaning probably 6 hrs or less to drive home. With that being said I simply gotta get some in the ground. Would have been first time in 7 consecutive years I hadn't growed anything. I'm probably not going to be able to give them much attention but I'll take what I can get. All of the flooding has the mighty Mississippi reeking havoc and delaying a lot of bridge and lock n dam recoating projects. Could be a week or two before I head back out. Hopefully I will have enough time to get all of these out. If not I will still be able to get them out. Even if I have to drive back from a North Dakota project to get them in the ground. Some of what I have soaking... escherxbearcreekkush orangedragonrider banginticket congolesekushxbanginticket tahoedragoncookies amberdragon maniaccrackxsourdiesel blueberryxmaniaccrack candytrainx and 5 f1 crosses of my own.
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Was thinking the same thing the other day larryMiddler, hope all is well with you my friend.