Like a bodybuilder after lots of work, I'm starting to see a lotta definition and form in these Diesel Ryder.
I'd say 16 out of the 18 Diesel Ryder have solid/thick colas, and two others that are about a week behind those.
The Auto Blueberry are still really leafy and much slower to mature. There is gonna be a lotta leaf interwoven into the buds...annoying. I need to keep telling myself it'll make great Bubble-Hash, but I would so love a couple nice Auto Blueberry colas to smoke on with friends. That Blueberry taste is so amazing....really wanna share it. There is just 2 of the Auto Blueberry.
One of them was really hit by PM a few weeks ago, so I had to remove a lot of critical fan leaves, and that's having an effect on budding, again proving how valuable fan leaves are to bud production and overall plant health.
Fan leaves shouldn't be removed unless they're over 50% brown (imo), or if they're obviously infected with some plant disease/bug infestation. Those yellow leaves have valuable nutrients that the plant can still use to make buds and further plant growth, so unless leaves look infected or they need to be removed to improve air-flow, I leave those yellow leaves on the plant.
The two Querkle are filled with seed, and are trying to reveg, despite a lack of water (purposely done to improve any last THC production), and 100+ degree Fahrenheit temps. The seeds look dark and tiger-striped (which are the preferred shell covering, imo, for this strain), so as soon as the temps get back into the lower 90s, upper 80s, I'll cut these two girls. I hope I can get 100 quality seeds from each plant, which I'll of course separate/label/store in their own containers when properly dried.
I fed these plants two days ago (Fox Farm Tiger Bloom/Fox Farm Open Sesame/Dolomite Lime) along with their regular watering of 7 gallons, so today I just watered them 5-gallons to help stave off dehydration with this extreme heat that most of the country is under.
Looks like most of this part of the country will cool off by next weekend, which is very welcomed.
The plants look just great. You can tell they're midway through flowering, the way leaves are starting to drop/turn yellow in a flowering-like way.
Geeked about these Diesel Ryder buds....they look insane already. Hope you can see the colors developing in these pics...reds and oranges look so cool.
The smell is overwhelmingly fruity...but strong diesel undertones are starting to develop...I could smell it about 100 feet away. Luckily this location is so remote, I shouldn't have any problems with anyone, except lots of deer...and they hate the smell of flowering cannabis.
Here are the pics:
Plot Overview
Diesel Ryder

#4 *Forgot to Photograph




Auto Blueberry
