Guerrilla Grow 2010, Let's do it!


Well-Known Member
It's not too late. I'm in Michigan and I am putting mine out next weekend, you have a longer growing season over your way so your good to go.


this is my first grow and i decided to go outdoors with it
i ordered some seeds from the tude, i got auto blue mystic, power africa and velvet bud


Well-Known Member
Will do FWF, I will be starting a grow journal soon and I will put a link to it in this thread. They are in the ground now and doing well. This being my first outdoor grow I am excited to see where it goes. I've done a few indoors but this will be my first go with mother nature.


Well-Known Member
Thought I would jump in and share.

Got 19 plants out and I'm counting on a good summer here in the deep south with the long summers. I have more inside and I may decide to reveg a few and put them out. Plants in a very secure area I have checked out the past two summers.

Last picture is of a test plant I did last summer. Haze sativa. Great smoky hash taste, very stong but the buds were just to fluffy so I'm grwoing about a dozen Durban Poison which I hear does very well in hot climates. I have durban growing inside that should be done in a week or so. The buds are just covered in trichs. Peace!



Well-Known Member
nice there guns, you know with this heat down South you better mulch the hell out of them babies. They're already lookin' hot & dry. Good luck growin' in the South. It's gonna be a HOT DRY summer.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Slabhead. It took me 2 months to digs all the holes. Each hole holds 3-4 cubic ft of my own mix including compost. I have been lucky so far with the rain. We have been getting a strong soaking thunderstorm about every other day.


Well-Known Member
Just wounderd how your plants are doing?
Im a huge Kc Brains fan. Sometime soon I will post a couple threads.
Im also a guerrilla grower but from the Badger state.
Good luck stay safe...

Purple_D_V.jpgLeda uno.jpg


Well-Known Member
Those are some real nice looking plants Dice, I would be happy as hell with a few like that at harvest time! Here are a few pics of some of mine as of 2 days ago. Sorry about the picture quality but all I had with me was my shitty cell phone cam.

The one with the big rock next to it is Brains Choice


Active Member
Looks good man , i cant w8 to see how it goes,
What strain exactly is that ?
That thing looks like its capable of those big colas.


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics of my girls outside. I have had 15 in the ground since June 1st and I have another 10 I just recently transplanted into 15 gal smart pots and put out. Around here they will keep vegging through mid September, harvest mid to late November. Growing Durban Posion, White Widow, Ice and AK48. I'm hoping for at least a lb + per plant. The nodes on all these plants are so close together it's sick. What do you think?



Well-Known Member
Lookin good smokinguns! How big were they when you put them outside?
I used to live down your way when I was younger...


Well-Known Member
They were about 6 inches when I put them out. Most of the plants in the ground now are about 3 ft tall. The last picture is a white widow. It's about 3'4 and getting really bushy. At this rate they should all be 6 footers at least by the time they flower.

BTW, I was born and raised in OH.


Well-Known Member
Got tons of flowering going on. Finally raining down here. It's been dry and frickin hot as hell. Looks like it's cooling off next week and once the temps go under the 90's my babes should really fatten up nicely. I can swear by the smart pots now. No more digggin holes. Next summer, all smart pots.



Well-Known Member
its been the fisrt 2 days yestera and today that have been below 85 its like 78 no humidity at all just perfect and I hope it stays for the nxt 7 weeks!

looking good fella's keep it up!

smoked/grew brains choice last year it was the tallest plant and 2nd best yeilder, pretty good smoke, I personaly just didnt like the genetics or it's performace for what I wanted, which may be different for you!