Guerrilla Grow Advice Welcome-Love Your Input

Residential areas can be tough especially if you need to park a vehicle . Today's technology with neighborhood Facebook groups and such make it even worse , everyone is watching everything and will report the slightest of shit .

One thing we did a lot was night drops of fence , shovel , ferts , sometimes seedlings . Quick stops just to toss things in and out of sight .

I remember a spot where a house was 50 yards away , they had a big dog that would bark it's ass off . Dog would bark and we'd get real quiet . It's owner would yell SHUT UP !! and we'd go back to work .
I specialized in urban guerilla . Small plots of undeveloped land surrounded by retail establishments , empty plots in business and industrial parks , stuff like that .

Ingress and egress was the main problem to plan for . Stealth was of utmost importance . These areas were mostly places that couldn't be built on due to terrain or wetlands . The opportunities abound if one uses their head .

I always had a partner though as most spots required drop off and pick up . We played secret agent man . More often than not we could hear people talking while tending our plants .

It's not for everyone though . Takes balls and planning . These days I lack the balls... :D

OK so this was supposed to be a little short quick response but I couldn’t stop opening up about what I’m trying to do and some of the reasons I’m having to do this. I hope I haven’t been too personal on here which I doubt I have, or take too much of your time and blabber too much. If so, pass on.

I have no one to talk to about this except my wife it makes her stressed the fuck out so you guys are all I have. Hope that doesn’t sound pitiful but I gotta stay low-key and frankly don’t have too many friends that really relate to this at all.

So UngaBunga,

Exactly! Been hunting places for months. Quick ins and outs with low risk of being seen. Got to keep, an eye on cams in those type places and if clear I think could really pull it off. Doing several vastly different places though, an industrial area about 4 blocks from home. Behind the movie theatre way in deep. Take a walk, jump in the woods where there are no cams I can see, jump back out and keep on my walk. Also, some swampy wet areas where watering should be minimal, just trying to be varied in setups and methods.
Now, I know it is too easy to be stupid in something like this and not plan and not think this shit out. In anything blackish, the people that fuck up trying to pull something off are the ones that don’t plan. Shoot, I don’t think for a minute that shit might not go south, and be naive. I’m not about to do that kind of dumb shit, I’m smart enough to know that nothing is perfect, I can prep all I want to, and stuff can still happen. But if you have a plan, you carry out that plan, most times you could be successful and I damn sure plan on it. And I have been planning nonstop for six months down to every detail I can think of, and new shit pops up in my head every day that I need to consider.

Sorry for the huge post.

My area. This first shot, the real green one, is in mid July with daily temps in the 80’s - 90’s and it’s super healthy. Biggest worry is humidity but I did the same thing in this same area last year but in my yard and not even any pm. I figure this, plant a ton of 3 node seedlings with good slow release organics and roots organics microbe charges and step back. Check 2 x a month, always different path in, and see what happens. So far biggest expense was the seeds. Still have a shit ton of nutes left from last year.


Any comments on off ramps? The ones in these shots are at the bottom of sloping hills and gather water nicely but not crazy flooding though. Perfect place as I have been watching it all year but how to get in and out. All I can think is the wife will have to drop me, quick in and out and text for a pick up. I figure probably best early morning an hour or so before dawn. Quick in the ground and out. Even been practicing prepping a spot quick in back yard. Geeeez I m fucking nuts.

Balls, Man I got both so big right now I could give a shit I’ll do anything. I’ve come close to dying a couple of times over the past few years from something thats starting to occur again. I don’t really give a fuck, I done shit way more ballsy than this in the past. Let’s just say in the 1980s you can make a buck or two flying back from the Bahamas with a surfboard packed correctly. Can’t believe I just said that but pulled that one off one time. I go through customs in Miami and have a customs agent asked me, do I have anything to claim and my ass says, nothing but a tan. Fuck. Then I’m headed on home to make a buck or two. I am not worried about the balls, I am not worried about the snakes or the swamps, I’m broke, kids got diabetes now, is autistic as well, fuk. I’m never going to stop smoking, especially now and this is the only way I can keep myself in weed. I’ve going to put out probably 15 plants 10 photos and five auto flowers, the way I described, and see what happens.

God bless all of you guys and gals on here. This community is by far one of the most caring and close knit I’ve ever seen in my 61 years. So peace out have a good night and sorry for the run-on post.

Some pics of last years spur of the moment project.A5E15306-6E0D-4DFC-90E0-FB9353CD95B2.jpegED88624A-FB9B-432D-8D7D-00FCDAF45FE4.jpeg21295EA4-A3C3-4AA2-BFE0-A1CC80B7856E.jpeg73F6AB12-997E-41F5-8EB4-49E8A9CCE11B.jpeg6A21D5DE-7AED-4D3F-B070-34FD111E849A.jpeg3B2C49ED-D2F1-4271-93BB-92F36BB6561C.jpegC0F547D9-8B70-4DCF-93CA-E960A770B0F6.jpeg67234E75-6499-4C53-84AC-FC6F4E8FA8D2.jpegA7A0F62C-CCFD-43AE-B2D3-07EEA575B92B.jpegCBEAC433-3BA0-436C-9AD0-FD303DDDE1CD.jpeg.
Residential areas can be tough especially if you need to park a vehicle . Today's technology with neighborhood Facebook groups and such make it even worse , everyone is watching everything and will report the slightest of shit .

One thing we did a lot was night drops of fence , shovel , ferts , sometimes seedlings . Quick stops just to toss things in and out of sight .

I remember a spot where a house was 50 yards away , they had a big dog that would bark it's ass off . Dog would bark and we'd get real quiet . It's owner would yell SHUT UP !! and we'd go back to work .
Most of my spots are about a five minute bike ride or 10 minutes or so walk, so I plan to go out and drop off what I need, go back park my car at home hop on my bike and shoot over grab my shit and get in and out quick. Thoughts?
Get some dull green "hiking" or "running" clothing. Don't make trails to your plants. Use time release pelletized ferts, buried in your holes and keep your patches small and spread out. Put something in the holes to hold rainwater so you don't have to water as much.


4 a.m. is your friend. You can do your work and then "jog" or hike home at 6 a.m.
Your area is populated, so go small and low or find another spot. Good luck.
Also, plant a few more than you need just in case… carry a “prop” as well. If during daytime, carry a pair of binocs and a field guide… birds, mushrooms (non psychoactive) or native herbs and spices. A collapsible fishing pole, something that gives you a believable story. I grew like this for years, but was more rural. Also near summer camps though. Crawled thru stinging nettle patches, cut out centers of dogwood patches. Pulled buckets and tubs into trees with pulleys full of soil. The plots in dogwood were clones so uniform in size. I wish you all luck and ninja stealth. You can do this. Just keep ‘em growing low in areas that no person would want to go. Should be set. Just keep an ear and eye out always, cuz it sounds like your family needs you… so be ultra careful! Take care brother and good growing!
It a shame that we have to live in fear of incarnation. Time release osmocote 14 14 14 water crystals and sun. That is the method I used for many years . That information was In the one of the original seed catalogs in the 80s. You will get better at selecting locations over time. If you can you can prepare your holes in advance that helps. This helps prevent animals from digging them up. I assume that you are not going to fence. That will be the first problem shortly after you plant. You will have failures but you learn what works over time.
I never had much luck with autos outside they yielded poor.
Good luck.
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Also, plant a few more than you need just in case… carry a “prop” as well. If during daytime, carry a pair of binocs and a field guide… birds, mushrooms (non psychoactive) or native herbs and spices. A collapsible fishing pole, something that gives you a believable story. I grew like this for years, but was more rural. Also near summer camps though. Crawled thru stinging nettle patches, cut out centers of dogwood patches. Pulled buckets and tubs into trees with pulleys full of soil. The plots in dogwood were clones so uniform in size. I wish you all luck and ninja stealth. You can do this. Just keep ‘em growing low in areas that no person would want to go. Should be set. Just keep an ear and eye out always, cuz it sounds like your family needs you… so be ultra careful! Take care brother and good growing!
Thats what i use the fishing gear for if i near a plot near water tbh besides actually fishing obviously but yes it helps having a fake excuse to be hanging around il agree there my biggest problem is fellow stoner fisherman vs the cops with river plots even tho it aint legal here they more likely to find it and nick it than stick you in lol
Another tip op if the soil in the area you planting in isnt so bad you can get away with digging holes and backfilling em with a 50/50 mix of native soil and new soil you got/buy or whatever to cut down on extra weight and costs helps to cut down on extra work too
Most of my spots are about a five minute bike ride or 10 minutes or so walk, so I plan to go out and drop off what I need, go back park my car at home hop on my bike and shoot over grab my shit and get in and out quick. Thoughts?
Im curious is it a town or city you stay in im kinda lucky though its a big town i live at we on the edge of town pretty much so theres loads of countryside farms etc close by i can imagine trying to gg in a city or near it be harder why I ask
My uncle would tie his plants down to the ground as it they grew, the stems would grow up a foot of so and then he would top them. The plants were grown in a field of weeds so he kept the plants lower then the overall height of the weeds. The field belonged to him so he was not worried of people roaming around.
Lol that wouldnt help here anyway cos in Scotland everyone has the right to roam there is no trespassing unless you armed and uninvited in which case the charge is aggravated tresspass in our law besides making gging harder i like it you can walk around the country side and unless your being a dick no one bothers you/can really complain the tying down and topping method you mentioned can work if heights a issue for sure do that inside a hollowed out big bramble bush and your good to go
Cloth pots are easy to fold up and carry and that will make it easy to move plants if the need arises. However if you can amend the soil easily, which it sounds like you can with that sandy ground, I would just try and carry in some earthworm castings and mix it in along with plenty of leaves and twigs. Some mycorhizal innoculant like Mycos or similar mixed in as well.
I think the call it hugelculture where they make a pile of leaves and wood and then cover with dirt and plant into it. The fungi and other soil organisms break it down and release nutrition to your plants. Plus it seems the more organic matter the better water holding capacity which is vital when running guerilla where you cant get out there to water often.
Another way is the throw out a bunch of seed and hope something sticks, find some cheap seed and plant a shit load in areas where you think they have a chance and dont come back until mid summer. Every now and then you will hit a home run. Other times they will be duds/males. But its an easy way to pheno hunt through a ton of plants if you find one that has a terp profile you really like and it does well on its own there then maybe take a cutting and try and grow out a mother in a steath cabinet indoors over the winter...
If you have access to water nearby and can water frequently, then maybe haul some coco bricks out there with some cloth pots. Then break the coco down on site. Mix the coco with some sandy soil and water with a light solution of jacks 20-20-20 you can grow monsters if you get the root system big enough. Plus a sandwich bag of salt fert will go a long way, dont know how you feel about salt fert, plants dont know the difference.
Just tossing some stuff out there.
Id delete those pics of my area. I bet I could find your area with the info you have shared already if I had time to kill...
Good luck!
Topping and defoliating to keep the breeze flowing through the plant when the hot humid summer comes along to help prevent budrot.
Sometimes they will get a little big for the area and I agree with the guy above who said he would train the plants along the ground with the native weeds. I had some get wayyy to big and caused major problems...
Also, plant a few more than you need just in case… carry a “prop” as well. If during daytime, carry a pair of binocs and a field guide… birds, mushrooms (non psychoactive) or native herbs and spices. A collapsible fishing pole, something that gives you a believable story. I grew like this for years, but was more rural. Also near summer camps though. Crawled thru stinging nettle patches, cut out centers of dogwood patches. Pulled buckets and tubs into trees with pulleys full of soil. The plots in dogwood were clones so uniform in size. I wish you all luck and ninja stealth. You can do this. Just keep ‘em growing low in areas that no person would want to go. Should be set. Just keep an ear and eye out always, cuz it sounds like your family needs you… so be ultra careful! Take care brother and good growing!
I am definitely planning way more than I can hope to collect but I might get lucky. I am spreading them out in different patches here and there. Additionally I’m taking out a birdwatching book and the camera to indicate I’m taking pictures which I like to do in the woods anyway. Thanks for the ideas and suggestions, you rock!
It a shame that we have to live in fear of incarnation. Time release osmocote 14 14 14 water crystals and sun. That is the method I used for many years . That information was In the one of the original seed catalogs in the 80s. You will get better at selecting locations over time. If you can you can prepare your holes in advance that helps. This helps prevent animals from digging them up. I assume that you are not going to fence. That will be the first problem shortly after you plant. You will have failures but you learn what works over time.
I never had much luck with autos outside they yielded poor.
Good luck.
Thanks man, I am just going to experiment with the autos to see what happens. I have a place in mind it’s just about a block from my house but on the other side of a deep ravine that I know how to get to. I can actually almost see it from the road if I was to look carefully. I am not going to use any type of tomato cages or fencing. If I have to do anything I’ll take a bamboo stakes and utilize those.
We always tried to limit things to 4 trips in and out . Plant and clear surrounding vegetation , do a good job or native veg will take over . Back in early/mid July to check for males and clear vegetation again . Mid September to check progress and again at harvest . Never lugged water or added fertilizer .
We always tried to limit things to 4 trips in and out . Plant and clear surrounding vegetation , do a good job or native veg will take over . Back in early/mid July to check for males and clear vegetation again . Mid September to check progress and again at harvest . Never lugged water or added fertilizer .
Dude, you reflect everything I have come to in terms of strategy and planning. Identical. Get ‘‘em in the ground“. Check a week or so later and then, see ya in a month or so. 4 trips.
I flashed back to my first gorilla grow today. I was real high. I thought about this thread. My next thought was I hope OBX isn't as dumb as I was.
Good morning, one last question and then I am done bothering. You see the areas above, risk driving 20 minutes on the highway loaded up at harvest, or do close by where I can walk or bike. Everyone gets sketched out by these areas but the thing is you guys don’t know how hard access into there is and how tough the area is to traverse. I have been to my spots and not easy.
So harvest and drive or grow nearby?
I break the plants down at the grow to get rid of the stocks and useless material. We worked as teams using the drop off method so no car is sitting drawing attention. Because you are growing multiple varieties they will be done at different times. Hopefully you will need a big bag. The object is to not get caught. Transporting your harvest is always a nerve racking time. You can also ditch your harvest by the road come back at night and grab it. My first year was a disaster. But I knew zero about growing and education was not available like it is now. Hopefully you will not have any trouble. I had close calls and some of my friends were not as fortunate. There is always some risk. You just have to minimize it.
OK so this was supposed to be a little short quick response but I couldn’t stop opening up about what I’m trying to do and some of the reasons I’m having to do this. I hope I haven’t been too personal on here which I doubt I have, or take too much of your time and blabber too much. If so, pass on.

I have no one to talk to about this except my wife it makes her stressed the fuck out so you guys are all I have. Hope that doesn’t sound pitiful but I gotta stay low-key and frankly don’t have too many friends that really relate to this at all.

So UngaBunga,

Exactly! Been hunting places for months. Quick ins and outs with low risk of being seen. Got to keep, an eye on cams in those type places and if clear I think could really pull it off. Doing several vastly different places though, an industrial area about 4 blocks from home. Behind the movie theatre way in deep. Take a walk, jump in the woods where there are no cams I can see, jump back out and keep on my walk. Also, some swampy wet areas where watering should be minimal, just trying to be varied in setups and methods.
Now, I know it is too easy to be stupid in something like this and not plan and not think this shit out. In anything blackish, the people that fuck up trying to pull something off are the ones that don’t plan. Shoot, I don’t think for a minute that shit might not go south, and be naive. I’m not about to do that kind of dumb shit, I’m smart enough to know that nothing is perfect, I can prep all I want to, and stuff can still happen. But if you have a plan, you carry out that plan, most times you could be successful and I damn sure plan on it. And I have been planning nonstop for six months down to every detail I can think of, and new shit pops up in my head every day that I need to consider.

Sorry for the huge post.

My area. This first shot, the real green one, is in mid July with daily temps in the 80’s - 90’s and it’s super healthy. Biggest worry is humidity but I did the same thing in this same area last year but in my yard and not even any pm. I figure this, plant a ton of 3 node seedlings with good slow release organics and roots organics microbe charges and step back. Check 2 x a month, always different path in, and see what happens. So far biggest expense was the seeds. Still have a shit ton of nutes left from last year.


Any comments on off ramps? The ones in these shots are at the bottom of sloping hills and gather water nicely but not crazy flooding though. Perfect place as I have been watching it all year but how to get in and out. All I can think is the wife will have to drop me, quick in and out and text for a pick up. I figure probably best early morning an hour or so before dawn. Quick in the ground and out. Even been practicing prepping a spot quick in back yard. Geeeez I m fucking nuts.

Balls, Man I got both so big right now I could give a shit I’ll do anything. I’ve come close to dying a couple of times over the past few years from something thats starting to occur again. I don’t really give a fuck, I done shit way more ballsy than this in the past. Let’s just say in the 1980s you can make a buck or two flying back from the Bahamas with a surfboard packed correctly. Can’t believe I just said that but pulled that one off one time. I go through customs in Miami and have a customs agent asked me, do I have anything to claim and my ass says, nothing but a tan. Fuck. Then I’m headed on home to make a buck or two. I am not worried about the balls, I am not worried about the snakes or the swamps, I’m broke, kids got diabetes now, is autistic as well, fuk. I’m never going to stop smoking, especially now and this is the only way I can keep myself in weed. I’ve going to put out probably 15 plants 10 photos and five auto flowers, the way I described, and see what happens.

God bless all of you guys and gals on here. This community is by far one of the most caring and close knit I’ve ever seen in my 61 years. So peace out have a good night and sorry for the run-on post.

Some pics of last years spur of the moment project.View attachment 5257214View attachment 5257215View attachment 5257216View attachment 5257218View attachment 5257219View attachment 5257220View attachment 5257221View attachment 5257222View attachment 5257223View attachment 5257224.
I totally feel you on all the ideas you’re having and needing and outlet for them-

I would not post aerials of where you are going to grow anywhere online especially if your state isn’t legal.

I think you’re on the right track with the aerials you posted as long as you have a couple different ways to access each spot. Looks like you’ve done your research.
I plant at least 4 times the number of plants/plots I want to have. If you want 5 plants in the fall, plant 20. If you can find a spot with fresh water nearby, you won’t have to haul it in. I plan on dealing with insects, molds, mammals and other unknown things that will come up most years outdoors. Powdery mildew, botrytis, aphids, mites and caterpillars/worms are common ime. It helps to know the pests in your area and their life cycle to choose the right time and (preventative) treatment to keep your crop healthy. I try to have what I will need on hand before the plants are in the ground. Planting outdoors in diverse environment/ecosystems helps - swamps, prairies, hillsides, etc will all have benefits and challenges to deal with. Stinging nettles indicate good soil conditions. Some Cottonwoods and wild grapes carry diseases that can affect cannabis. The roots of garlic mustard and some walnut species seeds emit a chemical that inhibits plant growth.
Scouting spots during the growing season gives insight to things you may have to deal with. Visit a site at different times during the day throughout the season to get an idea of sun exposure and how it changes throughout the year or the insects/pests that thrive in the area. You want as much direct sunlight as possible for growth; southern exposure is great, east or west is next best. Another thing to consider- having spots that are quick access are convenient but spots that take a long time to get to make it less likely for anyone else either looking for or stumbling across your plants.