Guerrilla grower's nightmare Leaf spot disease


Well-Known Member
So, um, just use it ? If you want to be safe, just do water curing for your buds later. It's better than dead plant.
Your idea isnt a bad idea but its not needed,im learning as i go in this thread,i allways called the disease Blight ,i never knew it wasnt blight until reading this thread for the 1st time,ive been using copper soaps for years woth great success.

No need to go to extremes for health reasons either,the copper particles dissipate in the wind for the most part,what the plant ingests is so small & for the most part within leaf matter you'd have to smoke hundreds of lbs to even get a dose.

I treat all my plants with copper soap at various stages of growth,mainly as preventive medicine,i spray once when they have 4 or 5 sets of leaves,then i spray again when i flip to 12/12 durring transition,then i spray one last time when the plants are 14 to 20 days into bud cycle.

Check this out,anybody ever use a humidome for clones,forget to give em fresh air for a few days & have some cuttings mold over,spray em one time when you 1st put em in the humidome & lightly mist the underside of the humidome & your cuttings will never rott again.

My outdoor plants i treat atleast once a month,more if we have lots of rain,never lost a single plant,or even a branch.


Well-Known Member
For one, copper has been thought to affect Alzheimer's, yet, how and to what extent, is still unknown.

"Two recent studies, one by Exley and another by Jiang, both seem to point to the conclusion that copper reduces plaque build-up in the brain. This plaque is more specifically a clumping of the amyloid beta, a peptide present in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. An earlier study from the Department of Psychiatry at the Saarland University Medical Center found lower levels of copper in post-mortem Alzheimer’s patients. Another study, by Bayer and Multhaup, found a positive correlation between copper levels and scores on an Alzheimer’s specific cognitive processing test. All these data might suggest that there is a relationship between copper deficiency and Alzheimer’s disease, but it is too soon to jump to that conclusion.
While the above studies seem to point to copper as a possible light at the end of the dark tunnel of Alzheimer’s Disease, there is a school of thought among other scientists that claims copper may be the cause of this darkness, not its remedy. The University of Rochester Medical Center’s research team describes how copper damages LRP, or low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein. LRP seems to be responsible for removing amyloid beta from the brain. If copper damages the LRP molecules, the result is the build up of amyloid beta plaque in the brain. Zlokovic performed a study testing the effects of copper on mice. The results are as follows: After ten weeks, the rats that were given water with copper had twice as much copper in their brains’ blood vessel cells and one third more amyloid beta than that of the control group. A similar study in 2003 on rabbits yielded strikingly similar results." - shouldn't believe something is completely "inert" or "totally safe", because it is usually impossible to know.


Active Member
Agreed. And if relatively well-intentioned, conscientious small growers use copper spray, it makes me wonder what commerical growers use. I'm thinking they'll use about anything to get max yield.

That said, it does appear copper spray does work to reduce the problem, and spraying them while in veg mode is at least minimizing getting it on the stuff that you smoke.


Well-Known Member
FUUUUCK! Copper is not working. As soon as the humidity went above 65% (dehumidifier cannot catch up that fast to the rain) multiple spots on one leaf. This is the leaf closest to the air movement fan, which would indicate that the spores are being blown onto the leaves from the surrounding room. I cant keep pruning these girls to death like this.

I think there is some kind of giant mold issue or something in the house, FWIW.

Here's why I think that....I have a climate controller, and the CO2 count on the readout goes through the roof whenever the humidity goes up. Mold/Fungus breathe out CO2 and breathe in O2.

Any thoughts? Anyone? I am also gonna try Actinovate and Actinoiron, btw.
Ever thought about ozone ?

Im sure you know how effective ozone is at wiping out airborne mold spores,i had massive problems with this shit,i took a 3 pronged approach,treat plants,brought in as much fresh air from outdoors as possible,use limited amounts of ozone in the grow & max ozone outside the grow.

Ive been free of the blight over 2 years now.


Active Member
I thought with the bud worms, leaf spot, and rain issues i'd be in the clear. This leaf spot disease has now infected my entire indoor grow. I'm not sure what to do. Am I going to have to stop my perpetual grow?


Well-Known Member
Ever thought about ozone ?

Im sure you know how effective ozone is at wiping out airborne mold spores,i had massive problems with this shit,i took a 3 pronged approach,treat plants,brought in as much fresh air from outdoors as possible,use limited amounts of ozone in the grow & max ozone outside the grow.

Ive been free of the blight over 2 years now.
sorry for the late reply. Yeah, have used all sorts of levels of ozone, and one of my generators has a anti micribal UV light, but the air has to get through the filter before it hits that. The humidity has ropped a lot lately, and with it, so has this issue, but I am thinking I might get a nice big sanitizing UV light for the room at some point. Some say UV helps potentcy and some even say it helps yield. Lots of investigating to do on that, but no time right now.

Thanks for the tip, tho, man.


Well-Known Member
Ouch, you got indoors. How did this happen?
I have it indoors too. can't speak for anytone else, but in my case, I never had an issue where I needed AC, and the dehumidifier never had to run so much that it made the room temps get too high for the grow until this year, so even if the spores had been in the room the whole time, the issue prob. never was able to get a foothold, b\c the condition's were just not conducive to it appearing.

Humidity and temp are lower in general outside now, so its not the problem it was a month ago, but all the research and work I did to fix this problem indoors will make the coming seasons outdoor grow a lot more able to handle this, and other shit than it would have otherwise been. I will also get the room equipped with an AC before it is needed for the summer months, if I decide to grow through them in the coming summer.


Active Member
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This is what i'm dealing with indoors. I'm now thinking this disease is different than leaf spot. I don't have a clue what it is. Anyone?


Active Member
Whats your humidity like? I want to say fungus, but then again, I may think everything is a fungus for the next 2 years after dealing with the one I have been dealing with...
You might just be right, the humidity in my room got out of control a while back. 2 months ago, but this has been a problem for about that long. Just getting worse lately. I'll pick up some fungicide and see how it goes. Thanks


Well-Known Member
You might just be right, the humidity in my room got out of control a while back. 2 months ago, but this has been a problem for about that long. Just getting worse lately. I'll pick up some fungicide and see how it goes. Thanks
it does look like a blight or fungus of some sort tennis, but not what leaf disease looked like for me this year.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1796637View attachment 1796638

This is what i'm dealing with indoors. I'm now thinking this disease is different than leaf spot. I don't have a clue what it is. Anyone?
is it indoors???? check your ph..... check your runoff if you got them in pots... check the ph of your water before and after you add nutes..... i had a problem with ph just a few days ago that almost claimed my whole crop... it looked alot like what you got going on


Active Member
I have the same thing going on with mine. i'm pulln off maybe 10 leafs a day. I only got 3 weeks left before harvest.. i'ma try to stick it out. it's so fukn humid during the day.

I thought little black spots were mites .. but it only on the top of the leafs that are turning yellow.

Is there something your recommend? I'ma try to add some nitrogen to the solution.. I cut it out like a week ago cus my other plants need the nitrogen solution more and i'm running out.
I have plenty of leafs.. so I think if I lose a 100 between now and harvest I'll be fine.


Active Member
Thats not a disease.. it's natural to lose leafs.. unless is like a non stop epidemic.

I think the reason I'm losing mine is cus i'm lackn nitrogen and it's sucking it out of the leafs. but then again I have spots on the top so i..d..k..

I should take a picture of the plants. I grow 12/12 from seed. A couple are only 4 weeks into flower and have lost almost half their leaves. Its got to be something. It's odd the way they get crispy so quick. They start yellowing and three days later their crispy critters. I will lower the ph to see if it helps, thanks