Guerrilla's Gusto


Well-Known Member
To be honest man i dont kno i had similar kinda thing with one of my lowryders last time it was right beside the fan and there was nearly no humidity in my grow area so it just had dry air blowing at it so i put it down to that but i cant see that being the case with plants out side!


Well-Known Member
bump, i need suggestions as to what might be curling those leaves up and to what to do with my clone :?


Well-Known Member
my guess is just heat exhaustion and stress from the sun, and maybe malnourishment from underwatering. same thing happened to one of my clones


Well-Known Member
Yo Commie, chill out because fresh transplants always look crappy for a few weeks, they'll come around, as far as that clone goes I'm not sure... Clones suck, could just be a natural reaction :?


Well-Known Member
well, i took the clone out of the soil, and it didnt root at all. piece of crap >.< so thats that.

the slugs have been at my supercropped plant, and have eaten off the 2 bottom branches. now im only going to have a 2 branched plant. hate those muthaphukas! grrrrrrr. The rest of them have been enjoying the AMAZING sunshine round here, and have grow a LOT.

update with pics soon, stay tuned ;)


Well-Known Member
Just updated, had to yank a male amongst the GGs, it's finally raining! I hope there won't be a slimy slug invasion afterwards!


Well-Known Member
well, the slugs have fucked off, but now i got more problems:

1: nute burn. I'm a retard, decided to put a few more drops of B52 advanced nutes into a 2L bottle >.< oh well doesnt look like theyre dead, they should recover.

2: Heat stress. The last couple of days have been VERY fucking hot - the most unexpected thing in this country. in fact, this was the LAST thing i expected to happen lol.

Heres the pics, u can see the nute burn AND the heat stress.

Tell me if you guys think they will live/die/suck/recover :/



Well-Known Member
Holy cripe, those leaves are looking really shiny and leathery, too many nutes for sure, you can flush them with a nice watering though, they shall bounce back, the heat should not be a factor, I was worried about mine last week as we had a heat wave with temps in the steady 32/34° so that's not the problem, as long as the soil is damp they'll grow like mothafuckas, chill out on the experimenting m8te, hope it stays nice and warm and water often and they should so signs of vigour once again :)


Well-Known Member
well i kinda have to water them anyway, its seriously scortching heat around here for the past week.


Well-Known Member
depends where u are at... and in most places you could get away with an autoflowering plant like Lowryder #2


Well-Known Member
damn, thread gone dry. bummer but just the gusto is suppose to be strain that doesn't need a bunch of care at all and yeah def too many nutes read the description

Sensi seeds:

This big, beautiful strain was developed and tested in northern Spain over several years. A handful of seeds from the best season made the journey from Spain to Holland, brought to Sensi as a &#8216;thank you&#8217; from one of our thoughtful customers. Guerrilla&#8217;s Gusto started out as an unusual combination of radically different Indian strains from the north and south ends of the subcontinent. North Indian cannabis is classic Indica, while the less famous strains from the south are distinctly tropical with strong Sativa qualities.

To add gusto this hybrid and to give its offspring a chance to flourish in colder climates, it was paired with several Sensi parent plants well known for their ability to pass on toughness and vigour. Naturally, Skunk was an obvious choice, but there are some other very interesting (and possibly surprising) elements in the final version of the Guerrilla's Gusto seed strain, which combine to give her more power than her low price might suggest. Sensi&#8217;s final, acclimatised version of the Hindi-hybrid turned out to be even bigger, earlier and more resistant than we expected, which is how she came to be recommended as a variety for guerrilla growers.

In spring, after seedlings have become established plants, Guerrilla's Gusto may be sown outdoors a sunny spot and then simply left alone. Provided plants have good soil and access to a reliable water source, they will need little or no care for the rest of the growing season. Naturally, growers should not expect these guerrillas to conceal themselves in the undergrowth. This is a large, husky variety which can reach an impressive height, especially when left to grow unhindered for the whole outdoor season.


Well-Known Member
Yo Commie! I already harvested, very pleased with the hardiness and the yield, I was not expecting too much but it worked out well, the buds are rather fluffy and not too dense as they got only about 6 hrs of sun, but it's a great strain, nice to have something before the end of September!



Well-Known Member
damn urs are nice and green lol. i finally understood wut was wrong with mine.. nitrogen deficiency!! >.<

so im feeding them 10-15L of (mixed with water obviously) B-52 advanced nutes every week, and they still need moar! fan leaves turned yellow and most fell off already. some started flowering as late as september!! (st00pid northern lightcycles - days are like 15-16 hours long in august) theres a small one that started flowering earlier due to.. well, due to it being small and getting less light than the others i spose cause theres a giant bush on one side of it that cuts down direct sunlight hours. i should be harvesting it in a few days.

oh and urs look green... mine have quite a strong purple tinge to them.

wish i could post pics, but i lost the card reader for the camera, so i cant upload anything to my PC :( soz guys