Guess My yield


Well-Known Member
If you don't want to participate in this thread then please don't post
I would like to participate by telling you that guess my yeild threads suck bag. Got anything else cool we can guess? Your age, weight fuck its like a carnival now!:shock:


Well-Known Member
I guess you will yeild weed. Guess my yeild threads are about as cool as platform shoes.:-?
Yea and haters are as cool as the short-bus fukn retard. You said yourself you dont like "guess my yield" threads. THE NAME OF THIS THREAD IS GUESS MY YIELD, AND YOU CLICKED ON IT!!!:clap: then your dumb ass went a little further and posted in a thread that you dont like...go make your own thread if you want attention.. Too bad theres not a thumbs down smiley


Well-Known Member
I would like to participate by telling you that guess my yeild threads suck bag. Got anything else cool we can guess? Your age, weight fuck its like a carnival now!:shock:
Im gona participate by starting a "Guess how many friends mike has," thread

Your visitor name should be Mikes42andHasZEROfriends


Well-Known Member
yea no prob man i hate people like that, that just come and invade someones thread with a bunch of negetivity. lol he prob ran out of his shwa


Well-Known Member
just a sidenote, maybe using youtube to post videos isnt the best idea. thats high visibility for gov searches etc. heard people got busted that way

good luck


Active Member
just a sidenote, maybe using youtube to post videos isnt the best idea. thats high visibility for gov searches etc. heard people got busted that way

good luck

Yea thinking the same thing. I'll take it down. I was iffy on that too.

Thanks :-)

P.S is there a place I can post videos with out fear of gov?