guess of final yield


New Member
Shoot I'd hang myself after all that work.........................
No shit huh. I;d be pissed as all hell.

Here are some more pics. Iam tryingn to get better ones for you all. I dont know if its working. I am not what you would call electronically inclined. I didnt use the internet until a few years ago.

Not the best grow of mine so far, but it is the first time i have grown 20 plants.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good 40acres, my guess: 4 - 4.5 oz dry (total... all plants)

Good Luck! Here's to a good harvest :joint:


Active Member
i'd have to say like 4 oz maybe up to 6 MAX but i dunno, hard to tell from pics you know gotta check them out up front... good luck holmes


Well-Known Member
why do you have to be done on the 7th i started some ladies on flower on the 18th of may as well but my plants wont be done till the 27th. either way plants look good


New Member
I had 7 plants all harvested 2 weeks early each one produced 1 once. Im thinking your going to get 15 oz atleast over 10 bro. They look good


Well-Known Member
OK... You are doing a SoG grow, It does not matter how much that looks like. SoG is intervals (I'm sure you know.) So you want to figure out how much every two weeks (or whatever your case maybe).

By those three taller ones in the back that would be a little less then a ounce right now. And you have about a month left. So keep the light as close as you can and do not nute burn them too much anymore, and you'll be on your way to figuring out how to get oz's/plant.


Well-Known Member
OK... You are doing a SoG grow, It does not matter how much that looks like. SoG is intervals (I'm sure you know.) So you want to figure out how much every two weeks (or whatever your case maybe).
SOG is intervals? No, it CAN be done with intervals because it is convienient and makes sense. But by no means does the name SOG imply intervals. Not at all. It just means fitting as many small plants in a given area as possible. Now you can use intervals because then you would harvest often, but there are many people doing SOG with no intervals.