Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL


Active Member
added 4 more lights. I dont know how much bigger I can handle in the closet....maybe another foot and then i have to stop them from growing any more....not gonna have enough lights to do more. The plastic cages on the lights are working well to keep the plants mentioned using the high and low "k" lights for flowerings? Going to put in on 12 on 12 off and start changing the nutes for flowering. You have got to be kidding I was writing this one of the bulbs burnt of the new ones...sooooo.... 7 27k-28k lights and 1 57k or whatever i have in there im getting my head so full of numbers and stuff lately and smoking entirely way to much. . . . :weed::evil::joint: i wouldnt mind bushier but not going to be a huge fan of height considering its in a closet. Man I am nervous about changing to the flowering far in can i start sexing the plants? Have to take some more pics....beginning to look like a forest in there.


Active Member
I would just make sure you take off the AG hood, I have heard the news one have a latch or something you undo and it should come off, i broke mine off completely, its alot easier to rig it up over the plants you can can raise it as much as you need to

DayLight for vegging, and SoftWhite For Flowering

They will about triple in size during flowering, so they will out grow your extension on the AG, so i would look into hanging that bad boy before you flower, They plants will show sex within 2 weeks, The males usually show first so if anything, you should have a good guess which are females after that point