post the Weight!
thats one of the main things we r waiting for.
Awesome grow man
A few pics from harvest. I will be posting more pics as I go along.
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Thanks for your kind words Vaped! I hung them both ways this time around. Some of the buds I stripped off and hung only the colas and the rest was hung complete like you see in the pics. The net is just a pain in the ass and they were all tangled through that shit. So I said fuck it and just hung them whole. I have done it both ways before. It takes longer to dry when hung whole upside down this way. Both ways work fine.
nice looking buds,XXX is real nice.
Cool, do u notice a diffrence in the Hung whole vs the trimmed? I know its more of a pain to trim dry leaves, but. If the bud drys better, it might b worth it. At least for personal smoke