guessing in 5-6 week of flowering, can anyone tell?


ok first i admit i should have known better and kept i times table of when i started flowering but thought that i could keep track mentally, i was if anyone might be able to tell where i am at i would really appreciate it so i can start flushing soon..IMAG0070.jpg


Well-Known Member
ide say you have at least a good three weeks, lotsa white, not much resin coverage, not swolen.


After the next 3 weeks break off a stem w/ leaf and taste the tip and when rip it shouldnt taste sour at all. Should be really sweet good taste. Microscope it see if its puffy and crystals formed. Get a wall calender that is like #1 thing to have for many reasons.


After the next 3 weeks break off a stem w/ leaf and taste the tip and when rip it shouldnt taste sour at all. Should be really sweet good taste. Microscope it see if its puffy and crystals formed. Get a wall calender that is like #1 thing to have for many reasons.
cool, thanks alot


you dont need to keep track off your time its done when its done
yeah i kinda understand but i just dont fully get what im looking at and looking for when its done and i want to be able to flush it at least 2 weeks before its done.


Well-Known Member
75 percent of the white hairs will turn red or brown the trichomes should 80 percent milky heads by the time you finish curing you will end up with a 90/10 ratio of milky/amber trichomes wich in turn create a 90 percent head and 10 percent couchlok high a great feeling


Well-Known Member
I thought I could keep track mentally my 1st go as well.. . a few weeks + many joints later I was screwed.