Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

Looking at the first post. I will warn anyone that may be new here. These descriptions of deficiencies are not always as cut and dry in a few short words. It can take some people a few years to understand the problems they had. In my own personal experience these descriptions have been wrong many times. Let's say your PH is flawless. You can have a deficiency in one thing, and it could resemble what looks like a few other deficiencies. Yet many times what your deficient in, is not a "typical" description of said nutrient. Some people start out and do fine, but a ton of people also fail. In my experience with getting information from online and forums, it hasn't even paled in comparison to time and just personal experiences in learning my own personal problems with this.

I see tons of people giving advice, and unless the person asking for help, has there same exact set up as the helper, down to water types used, soil, nutrients and the exact same Ph tester, etc.; then you should not be asking for much help from the other person. A person cant just say "I grow in soil so I know the problem", which I see all the time, probably from half baked 16 year old kids describing their first grow in Solo cups and using night lights. There are so many other tiny discrepancies that could cause 2 years of failure like I have had (Turned out to be the PH of water used in soil). I'm sure many have found the help useful, much of the time based on a guess. Then there are tons of people such as myself that had to find the problems through trial and error. Even after PH fixing my other problems were fixed through my own tests, many times differing from the vast majority of repetitive answers online or even in books.

Example - Nitrogen deficiency causes yellowing or pale green leaves of entire plant. Um NO. It can start from top, bottom, or middle, and the entire plant does NOT have to show these signs unless gone unfixed. This can look like other deficiencies most descriptions would say is not nitrogen. This is one point of a multitude of problems.

Sorry if I pissed in your coffee. But to the new people that are having problems for extended periods of time. This could be why. Be careful what you take to heart online, because I am certain I am not the only one that has failed through doing this. However if you stick with it, you can get good enough to the point where you look at your plants and know exactly what they need. Personal experience can be for some, a million times better then anything else. I know there are people out there giving up on the idea of there problem being something that everyone else saying it isn't.

I'd like to someday see advanced forums that entail sections just for certain grow set ups. Not like soil and hydro. More like FFOF Soil - distilled water - sunleaves pH test kit - Earth Juice nutrients - Indica. Find your set up!!! A daunting task to make a forum that complex but possible. If someone had my same set up, that's when I would feel confident enough to help them thinking there would be almost zero fault. And this post isn't for the people that have found success online, it's for people that have not. And these could be reasons why.
It seems as if my plants have a nitrogen deficiency but i just transplanted them into new pots with miracle grow potting soil with added plant food and its got 0.14,0.14,0.14 minimum nutrients... now i have them outside with 2 litre bottles as a greenhouse effect and they seem to be fine since the transplant (2days ago) but havent grown in size or the leaves in about 2 weeks... the good weather is starting now and its no longer in the -0oC overnight its about 5-10oC are they going to start growing soon again or are they fucked??? can post pics if required

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
My guess is it will be ok as the temps warm up. They will go dormant if it gets to cold. It's always best to post some pics if you can when you are having a problem.


These are clones and have been in the ground aboput 3 weeks. Last year they came out killer now something is eatin them. I have looked at night and during sunlight and cant see any bugs. I am growin outside


These are clones and have been in the ground aboput 3 weeks. Last year they came out killer now something is eatin them. I have looked at night and during sunlight and cant see any bugs. I am growin outside
Looks like it might be spidermites buddy, not sure how to cure that problem though.. lol


Well-Known Member
yuo rock shen, thx for all the awesome info. by the by, i own the newly revised edition of that book by Mel Frank and Ed Rosehthall, TOTALLY awesome, VERY comprehensive, from seeds to smoke, right through curing and everything. various ideas are given in each area of interestso that more than one way of doing things is almost always available right there in the book. as for plant problems, i use your guide first, book later. ++rep


Well-Known Member
nothing is wrong with auto blueberry, but there's quite a controversy going on about autoflowers right now. i'll find a link and post it here and PM you with it, also.
Hey. I got a few questions cause i need lots of help. I knw that I am not suppose to use incandescent light bulbs but it is what i have and can afford. But... it is a multispectrum set from stealthhydro. If you can look it up it wld be cool so that way you can familiarize urself wioth it, my lighting system is a system that has the cool light , the warm light and full spectrum flourescent daylight. They all three are connected to one light system so they are made to be turned all in tune. It says that the light bulbs are 5000 lumens a pc but that it is incandescent equivalent to 400 watts. The full spectrum light gives off 62000 lumens, so thats a total of 16200 lumens. How far apart should the light be? I really have no idea what that means and would like to jnow if you guys would not mind. Remember all three lights come in a system that make the light all be on together. They greww perfect for 6 wks in vegetation stage and they were receiving 20 hrs of light a day. Right before flowering i gave them one complete 24 hr day of darkness and turned them on to 12 hr day and 12 hr of complete darkness. I have been using kool bloom from general hydroponics w/ a 0-10-10 analysis. It says to add one to 2 teaspoons per gallon. I have 6 gallon resevoir w/ a submersible irrigation system. I dnt have a c02 pump and dont really ave the funds to get that right now. Other than that my real problem is is that I began the flowering stage at 15 inches and alot of lower leaves and branches have dried and wilted. Also the spot at the main stem where the buds are suppose to go are (the pistol hair like area) is turnig black and wrinkling up. Even those spots are bulbing up and then turning a crustated brown. What does this mean??? Please help me.
wow i just purchased Mr. Ed R.'s book for like 40 bucks "thats with express shipping... ok well at least i will have it at my finger tips "books are energy efficient!"
OK here is a start of some links........
THE MARIJUANA GROWER'S Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal
This is some of Ed Rosenthals book...good read

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
One of the better sick plant guides I've come across

Cannabis Nutrient and Deficiency Table
This one is definately in the wrong area...I was on this site for over a month before I used it.

I'll update this list as I find more usefull info

Dame glass half full glass half full


i have the same problem lack of cash so i make my own co2 u will need powder yeast, suger ,2ltr btle plastic. and some tubing ,glue,
you will have to cut a hole about the same size of your tubing to fit .oops the hole has to be cut out of the lid of the bottle make sure when u have cut hole and insert the tube u seel it with glue .. while thats drying out i use a teaspoon for meaasuring i use 1teespoon of yeast to every 3spoons of suger mix about 3 tspoons of yeast .and 9spoons of suger fill with water half way put lid back on with tubing and shake until mixed wait for about halfanhour u will c the co2 bubbles appear they will go through the tube and to theplants dont forget to place tube near plants n turn of fan when using so theplants get the co2 this will last u for 2weeks cost to me was £2.50 hope this helps or you can look it up on to make a co2 reactor...

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
You should post pics if you can. That would help a lot. How did you prepare the soil and what do you use for nutes ?

phenix white

Active Member
HECIMG0109.jpgLP please..alright my leaves well some them feel papery kinda dryish ill post some pics..mayb its burn? watering? or ???

phenix white

Active Member
well its a new 2 weeks after i had those pics she has picked up and doing much better1 I was starting out w some ground sprinkle plant food 19-07-06 or somithing in the beginng. But the last week i startd fish emulsion /water mix! which turned em around alot! and i had transplantdd the top souil with new ex grow organic ph bALNDEC W/WORM CASTINGS BLOOD MEAL BONE MEAL ECT..but i wasnt watering fully enough threw out the first month either was giving it miminal of everything really.. whata you think???
What kind of soil is there and what do you give them for nutes ?


New Member
don't really have a camera at the moment. but the soil and nute....for the soil i didnt prepare it too much, the ground where it is is already extremely fertile. unused grassland. hasnt beeen touched for about 10 years, and ANYTHING grows like crazy back there. as for nutes, i'm still not sure what to use. im out of a job at the moment so id need somethin from around the house or somethin like that. any advice?