Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

LOLOLOL too funny...You just posted that message in a sticky thread!(at least you know what a sticky is!!) Thanks for the approval though. Did you read the whole thread....there are a bunch of links I put together on like page 4 or 5.

Rednuht...I don't know how I didn't see your post...but to answer...You add any fertilizer containing the nutrient you are deficient in.
I tested seeds I bought all were ok. Germintaed them in paper towels. all popped, planted them the next day. 6 out of 10 are growing, but 3 lost their tops only stems are left what happened? They have NO heads...
Whats does tested them all were ok mean? They probably didn't like being transplanted the day after they poped up. I'd have waited a week or two before I transplanted.
hi ...this is my 1º grow, i have about 16 plants under a 1*400w, 2*100w,and 3*70w... all hps on a 1.3 mt* 1.00mt and 2mt high !!
they are on the 2ª week flowering. one of them is turning the leaves down...curling down !!it´s from the midle to the top essentialy.. what can i do ???
i got now 2 lamps osram vialox 150w nav ts super 4y (double ended) should i put them too ??
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can anyone help,
new to this-
I am in the 2nd week of flowering-I have been advised not to trim the tops off-is this correct?, also I am feeding each plant(indoor grow with soil) about 300 ml of feed each day-organic feed, do i need to up my feeding now that i am in the 2nd week of flowering, i did weaken the feed 2 weeks ago as the leaves had a purple tinge to them-this has now cleared up, any help greatly appreciated
help just transplanted them three days ago and put them under 400wt MH. Started seeing signs of stem rot. (again, fuck). So I cleaned them up dressed their wounds and cover the tops of the cubes with plastic. But the didn't get better in fact they looked worst. So upon further inspection I thought atheds so I spryad with neem oil and dish soap and then they really got bad I;ve inclosed some photos as explantion of symptons would be tough please said over fact , oppion or just straight B.S. I don;t care I'll take anyyhing I'm stumped. HELP!!!!!!!
can anyone tell me how to adjust the ph down a little using lemons or vinegar? how much say in 1 litre of water? also i have my plants in 5 litre pots, do you think they are on the small side~? 1st timer
my first grow is gonna die before it exist if you dont help me...

germination my biggest enemy...

i've tried everythin papertowels, direct in the soil now in a glass.

origanally had like 15 nasty bag seeds now i'm left with 2 in a glass (almost a day now) a one untouched, i have to get a plant from this^^
any suggestions? i got myself some hydrogen peroxid that will hopefully help...

how should i try the last seed?
what should i do with the 2 seeds that are in the water now, after 24h?

pls i'm desperate, these little muthafuckas won't grow...
If they're bag seed they may not have matured enough on the plant. If you've had this much trouble I'd have to say its probably bad seeds. After the 24 hr. soak, I put them inbetween paper towels in a zip lock bag. Keep em in a warmish place with no light, open evry day to get the stale air out. Are you using tap water or distilled? I'll bve in and out today so don't freek if I don't write back right away. It sounds like you are doing it all right, just that your seeds are bogus.
god i'm gonna smack my friend that gave em to me (hmm he said they worked for him...)

any way i'm using normal tap water, now with the new try i added hydrogen peroxid. they've been soaking in water/hydrogen for almost 48 hours should i put em in the plastic bag? or should i put them direct in the soil?

edit: forgot to say... they're still kinda floating. not always but most of the time. i push them down they sink but come up 10min later...
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nice guide just wondering that if only the bottom leaves are yellow yet the rest of the plant is healthy is it a problem?
Hi guys first timer here just need a few tips i have 3 plants growing and two are looking very healthy after 2-3 weeks. only thing is im not feeding any nutrients and i think one may have a nutrient deficiency. ill post a pic of the heathy one and the ill one see what ur suggestions are.


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scuff them, line the inside of a matchbox with sandpaper and rattle them little fuckers around for a couple of mins then pop them in a glass of ordinary tapwater overnite and in the morning they'll be sunk to the bottom. The problem with some seeds is the water cant penetrate there shell and this tecnique works for me, if they dont sink leave them till they do, i know wats its like your checking on them a 100 times a day but just try be patient and handle as little as possible.
awesome... thanks, it seems mine might need copper, funny that tho cause I have 2 plants, (different strains) both have the exact same stuff, Miracle Grow soil, same size pot, everything treated the same... one had curling leaves the other is fine ... oh well

My 7 cents is that other symptoms should also be included as a reference such as what to look for when there is too little, or too much water, too little light, too hot, cold so on and so forth... but

We should also list it in the reverse (not sure the technical name for it) and list it by the symptoms so people can use it as a guide...



oops, ok so I had a few bowls before posting... so it seems the other guides I was talking about is already there lol ... I didn't notice there was more than 1 page
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Yeah I know most people just look at the first page and think thats all there is in the thread....but imo the best stuff is further in. I tried to put those links on the first post but I couldn't edit it. Sounds like you are discovering the difference in can have 10 seeds from same plant and they won't all grow the same way. When I first started I thought a seed was a seed, but have since learned other wise. By the way....I think your avatar is my favorite on the whole site!!...yours and somebody that has a kitten doing the same.
god i'm gonna smack my friend that gave em to me (hmm he said they worked for him...)

any way i'm using normal tap water, now with the new try i added hydrogen peroxid. they've been soaking in water/hydrogen for almost 48 hours should i put em in the plastic bag? or should i put them direct in the soil?

edit: forgot to say... they're still kinda floating. not always but most of the time. i push them down they sink but come up 10min later...

I don't go by the floating/sinking method...I just soak em overnight and put them between paper towels in a bag. I also never use peroxide and have 99% success rate.
nice guide just wondering that if only the bottom leaves are yellow yet the rest of the plant is healthy is it a problem?

No its not a problem unless the yellowing continues up the plant. You will periodically loose a couple of bottom leaves...its no bigee.

Sorry its taken a while to get back with everyone...been on vacation