Guilty Pleasures

Yea but thats part of my dilemma.
I can drop girl 1. Its girl 2 3 and 4 that are the problem. Girl 5 hurts me and well idk im already getting rid of her, i actually have a few scars. 6 and 7 are good, not a problem at all

To be clear, girl 2 is the one that might be having my baby and already has a baby. I really like girl 2 but really immature, otherwise perfect

Girl 3 is the one i just showed a picture of, shes 22 but actually pretty mature, and well pretty much perfect, really smart too

Girl 4 is a chick ive known for a while and is super monogamous, she doesnt have sex with anyone but me and is really attached.

I dont wanna remove any of those 3 and they arent ok with "sharing"

I dont have a problem with only being with one chick, but for complicated reasons none of us are actually together

Its confusing as fuck for me.

Normally i would say fuck it and start a whole new line up. But i mean you saw the pic, maybe im crazy but i likey
I think looking at a picture of a 17 year old/ 18 year old is no big deal.

I don't think JUST ANYONE should be allowed to fuck them though. Because it's SO FUCKING EASY to have sex with an 18 year old.

"Hey, you are very pretty - and I also respect you, and I don't live with my parents"

18-year old: "Lets fuck, I love you, please drive me to my prom."

Too fucking easy. It's not really fair now is it?
na, me personally i cant stand most chicks under the age of 25. young girls are stupid and energetic. not a good mix for me but i know too many people are locked up and permamarked as "offenders" for fuckin 16 and 17 yr olds. i jus think thats bullshit cus those 16/17yr olds have prolly been fuckin since they were 12 so whats really being corrupted? and its the dumb cases like the 18 yr old dude that knocks up the 17 yr old chick 3 weeks befor her 18th bday shit that bugs the most..

high rambling
Anyone else always drink their beer warm?
I like it better

I also like the smell of degrading opiates. Propoxyphene after a couple years smells beautifully of bleach and Valerian. doesn't really sound pleasant.. It's one of those smells that stinks but lights up something in your brain so you keep coming back for more
Asian females

Ive tried looking for this chick and cant find her name....damn


Alina li

tumblr_n6zr88F5oH1rdqup0o1_500.jpg p12.jpg
Yea but thats part of my dilemma.
I can drop girl 1. Its girl 2 3 and 4 that are the problem. Girl 5 hurts me and well idk im already getting rid of her, i actually have a few scars. 6 and 7 are good, not a problem at all

To be clear, girl 2 is the one that might be having my baby and already has a baby. I really like girl 2 but really immature, otherwise perfect

Girl 3 is the one i just showed a picture of, shes 22 but actually pretty mature, and well pretty much perfect, really smart too

Girl 4 is a chick ive known for a while and is super monogamous, she doesnt have sex with anyone but me and is really attached.

I dont wanna remove any of those 3 and they arent ok with "sharing"

I dont have a problem with only being with one chick, but for complicated reasons none of us are actually together

Its confusing as fuck for me.

Normally i would say fuck it and start a whole new line up. But i mean you saw the pic, maybe im crazy but i likey
I pick girl 3!!!
Oh no ....its the end of the world

find her name for me ...and ill rep ya ...ohhhhhhhhhhhh a rep point
Ahhhhhhhh nip!
Report Report Report Report Report Report
How is it that a marijuana website with tons of illegal shit being talked about is allergic to nips?

I'm honestly curious.

Anyone know?

I know the Internet is a veritable SEA of porn.

Just curious is Alls. I'm inquisitive.
Why #3?
Cause she fine as fuck huh..i say she is anyway
You never answered.. i have a female friend that says her eyebrows kill it. Do you agree? I dont mind the color or anything at all..i think she hatin.

And idk, i dont see the problem with nips and tips and whatever else

i have a huge thing for asians.. years ago, i was friends with this kid, he was half chinese, and half portugese, and his sister, omfg, his sister.. i had the biggest crush on her for ages... and she had another friend who was also a mixed asian... i forget what she was now all these years later, but she was also smoking hot...