Guitar Hero While High..


Active Member
Well it was a pretty good day, me and a couple friends got high behind his house and we walk around out side for like 20 minutes and finally feel confident enough to sneak inside and hide in his room.

Everything goes smoothly and we just decide it would be funny to play guitar hero.. How we managed to set up the game and put it on versus mode is beyond me lol. But before i know whats happening i have the guitar in my hand i'm playing a random song on expert but its just so weird the way it was going.

I just kept saying how slow the notes were and how it was just the same series of buttons over and over and i began feeling extremely confused and couldn't play through laughing fits. On the contrary though, my other friend was incredibly good and he was so focused.. I can still remember his eyes all bugged out and glassy staring at the screen so intently hitting every note, Still makes me laugh today... :bigjoint:

Any stories about video games while high?


Active Member
Nice. I tried playing Halo 3 but i couldn't get the hang of the controller while i was High.. The gun wouldn't point up for some reason it was quite annoying and hilarious lol.

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
You couldn’t get your gun to point up? Try some Viagra … that will get your gun to point up.
Hahahaha :lol:

I'd have to say the best games I enjoy playing superbaked are real time strategy games that you could just waste hours and hours on.

Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots and Rome: Total War are both a fuckin blast. :blsmoke:


New Member
I'd have to say I'm pretty beast at guitar hero whilst stoned...

every song on expert son

broke half a mill on through the fire and flames on expert XD

oh and call of duty world at war is another favorite


Well-Known Member
gutiar hero when you're baked is so good, i'm surprisingly good at it when i'm high. maybe not destroying every song on expert but better than usual. i love playing n64 when i'm baked, especially mario kart, gotta love the classics.