Well-Known Member
Very cool. Interested to see how the mustard works in the long term. Keep an eye on 'em for a few days, I know people who haven't emulsified well sometimes have the gummies separate out across the few days after making them.
Just an update on these. They seem to have held up without any separation. I think the mustard powder works as an emulsifier. That's great since it's one less thing to have to have. I use mustard powder all the time but I don't have any other use for lecithin.
I'll make them the same way next time except I'll use some plain gelatin instead of adding a bunch more flavored gelatin which has a bunch of other stuff in it. Anyway 4-5 of them does the trick.
I lightly dusted them with cornstarch to make sure they didn't stick together. They've been sitting in a container at room temperature since I made them so they appear to be stable and not turning into a gooey mess.