Gun control is coming

Unfortunately it is almost impossible to secure a conviction of an on duty officer. There are many issues at play that need to be addressed.

Quantified immunity is way to broad and all encompassing. Police need some level of benefit of the doubt, and use of judgment to do their jobs effectively, but the parameters need to be narrowed.

Fraternal mentality. Just about every "industry" has proven incapable of self regulation. Can you really expect one to take action against their "brother" for the sake of another? The idea that we should trust a PDs "internal affairs " division is a joke. We probably need to establish a new law enforcement agency who's sole geristiction is other law enforcement agencies

National Police unions. I am generally a supporter of labor unions, but when they get to large and have the power of a collective public need and negotiate we absolutist non good faith negotiations we get to where we are.

Legal president. Not just Supreme Court rulings but 200years of case law have set unrealistic standards, the bar for the level of proof and reasonable actions have been set to such an extream level. No judge wants to be the first to go against the grain of president especially when it's against other government agency.
I believe that we should follow the rule of law. Including following unreasonable laws and working to get them changed.
Exactly. Want to stop gun crime? Do your part and carry a firearm.

The BS adage "It takes a good man with a gun to stop a bad man with a gun.", has been proven to be just that. BS.

Untrained bozos packing heat because they want to be tough guys are the first to be running for cover when the shooting starts.

I don't know, could be unarmed teachers, unarmed custodians or maybe unarmed teachers' assistants.

That is another huge load of BS. People don't take those jobs so they can become part of an armed security force.

The problem is too many guns available to people who should never have access to guns in the first place. The US is the only country on the planet with daily mass shootings and the only country that lets almost anyone get weapons of war without some sort of basic training and background checks.

You got to stop drinking the NRA kool-ade so you can see the reality around you.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The well regulated Militia part of the 2nd amendment seems to be conveniently overlooked by the gun crazed population.
Exactly. Want to stop gun crime? Do your part and carry a firearm.
No. Teach non violence. Provide mental health services. Teach conflict resolution. Provide public self defense training. Learn to be part of a community that treats eachother with respect and decency and public service.
If a shooter pulls a gun in a crowded room and gets swarmed by 10-20ppl even if they are children would be overwhelmed quickly and only be able to get off 2 or 3 shots before being disarmed. If we acted this way as a community instead of being taught to act only in self preservation we would not see shootings like this with body counts in the teens and 20s
You mean like Prohibition? I believe I have a moral obligation to disregard immoral legislation
Civil disobedience has its place, as this website attests. However Fogdog has a point. By and large, the law in a society that isn’t entirely unjust should be maintained and changed using legal and democratic remedies.

It’s neither quick nor sure, but effecting social change by voting and writing one’s legislators is the best of a bad set of choices.
No. Teach non violence. Provide mental health services. Teach conflict resolution. Provide public self defense training. Learn to be part of a community that treats eachother with respect and decency and public service.
If a shooter pulls a gun in a crowded room and gets swarmed by 10-20ppl even if they are children would be overwhelmed quickly and only be able to get off 2 or 3 shots before being disarmed. If we acted this way as a community instead of being taught to act only in self preservation we would not see shootings like this with body counts in the teens and 20s
There's quite a bit of data that increased LEOs and security measures make schools more dangerous not safer. Access to social workers, guidance counselors, therapist and phycologist have a direct effect on reducing bullying, violence, and absenteeism. Might seem counterintuitive but data dose not lie
There's quite a bit of data that increased LEOs and security measures make schools more dangerous not safer. Access to social workers, guidance counselors, therapist and phycologist have a direct effect on reducing bullying, violence, and absenteeism. Might seem counterintuitive but data dose not lie
This is one solution, mindfulschools like ET (Emotional/attentional training) and compliments PT Physical training.

Here is another potential solution or something that could help too

The guns are only a part of the problem. Big pharma and their deliberate pedaling of poisons for the purpose of creating a mentally ill population is massive contributor to gun violence.

If Trump actually had the balls he brags about he would start jailing pharma execs and cleaning up all the dirty money that is systemically rotting the entire political system like a fucking cancer.
The guns are only a part of the problem. Big pharma and their deliberate pedaling of poisons for the purpose of creating a mentally ill population is massive contributor to gun violence.

If Trump actually had the balls he brags about he would start jailing pharma execs and cleaning up all the dirty money that is systemically rotting the entire political system like a fucking cancer.
Dirty money made that man.
The guns are only a part of the problem. Big pharma and their deliberate pedaling of poisons for the purpose of creating a mentally ill population is massive contributor to gun violence.

If Trump actually had the balls he brags about he would start jailing pharma execs and cleaning up all the dirty money that is systemically rotting the entire political system like a fucking cancer.
Trump is a moron who is clearly insane and going down in flames.
You mean like Prohibition? I believe I have a moral obligation to disregard immoral legislation
The 90% rule applies. Maybe 80%. Sometimes I drive over the speed limit. Sometimes I fart in public. Sometimes I leave the toilet seat up. I'm rebel.

That said, a law is a law. If you don't believe it is right, don't just ignore it and then complain if you face consequences. If you don't like a law work to change it. People claim they shouldn't pay taxes too. People claim they shouldn't have to go to the DMV to get a license to drive. Some say pedophilia is OK.
Well kind of lol. Im living off my ill-gotten gains and thank goodness for that :o!
lulz. I seemed to have struck a nerve by saying that here.

Yes, it was a sweeping statement and I should have put several exceptions into it that would have maybe not brought fire on me.

but as I said.

Sometimes I speed! Sometimes I leave the toilet seat up! Sometimes I use a blanket statement without disclaimers!

I'm a rebel!