Well-Known Member
I believe that we should follow the rule of law. Including following unreasonable laws and working to get them changed.Unfortunately it is almost impossible to secure a conviction of an on duty officer. There are many issues at play that need to be addressed.
Quantified immunity is way to broad and all encompassing. Police need some level of benefit of the doubt, and use of judgment to do their jobs effectively, but the parameters need to be narrowed.
Fraternal mentality. Just about every "industry" has proven incapable of self regulation. Can you really expect one to take action against their "brother" for the sake of another? The idea that we should trust a PDs "internal affairs " division is a joke. We probably need to establish a new law enforcement agency who's sole geristiction is other law enforcement agencies
National Police unions. I am generally a supporter of labor unions, but when they get to large and have the power of a collective public need and negotiate we absolutist non good faith negotiations we get to where we are.
Legal president. Not just Supreme Court rulings but 200years of case law have set unrealistic standards, the bar for the level of proof and reasonable actions have been set to such an extream level. No judge wants to be the first to go against the grain of president especially when it's against other government agency.