Gun control is coming

This has to be a joke, right?

Florida deputy fires gun at squad car after mistaking falling acorn for gunshots

That was three forward rolls, four "SHOTS FIRED", two "I'M HIT", empties his weapon into his squad car & no one was hurt.
This has to be a joke, right?

Florida deputy fires gun at squad car after mistaking falling acorn for gunshots

That was three forward rolls, four "SHOTS FIRED", two "I'M HIT", empties his weapon into his squad car & no one was hurt.
They should have omitted the soundtrack.

Ya never know when the nuts are gonna make their move.

Congratulations, Officer Methhangover.
Really, this time at the Super Bowl Parade......WTF......

At least 1 person dead and 14 injured in shooting following Chiefs celebration rally, fire department says
At least 17 wounded, 1 dead, 11 of the wounded were children, at least 9 of those children were wounded from guns.

A million people were at that parade. Three were arrested. Guns were recovered. The attackers were subded by tackling and wrestling them to the ground (as opposed to the good guy with a gun myth). No other details in articles that I've seen. Not yet. Some brave people in that crowd. Hats off to them.

more than 40,000 dead due to gun violence last year. I remember arguing with gun nuts not that long ago, citing 10,000 dead due to guns each year.

Yet we can't even pass a law that restricts the sale of guns with magazines that hold more than 10 rounds without years of delays in the courts. Not to mention the anger gun nuts display when the state's voters have the nerve to pass such an act.

Well, I'm a bit angry right now. This isn't a hot rage but a simmering determined siege mentality. I don't think I'm alone in this. Eventually, we'll get something meaningful done. How many children must die or be wounded before we get through the legal and political barriers that they put up?
which reply emoji is appropriate for that?

not "like", maybe sad but really, I'm kind of angry. The ad was fine. Just, look at the callousness of Groan's post. That's the mindset embodied in "thoughts and prayers". How many dead children? All of them.

Meanwhile, another mass shooting over the weekend.

which reply emoji is appropriate for that?

not "like", maybe sad but really, I'm kind of angry. The ad was fine. Just, look at the callousness of Groan's post. That's the mindset embodied in "thoughts and prayers". How many dead children? All of them.

Meanwhile, another mass shooting over the weekend.

idk what emoji would be good for that either.......we're still getting the fallout of Uvalde shitstorm.....course like always nothing happening.....

meanwhile how's the dangerous dog(yes that real down here)......smh...
They were...I would go as far as the color yellow js

Police officers are not expected to put their lives on the line during mass shooting events. The Uvalde cops acted as they were trained and instructed to do. They left the scene when they hear gunfire in a room they also know students are inside. They then stayed outside and prevented parents from doing what they would not do.

It's all proper and legal too.

Then-Parkland school resource officer who stayed outside during mass shooting found not guilty

Fort Lauderdale, FloridaCNN —
A jury has acquitted on all counts the former school resource officer who stayed outside during the February 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida – absolving him of wrongdoing in the rare trial of a law enforcement officer for his response to a mass shooting.

Scot Peterson, 60, took off his glasses and wept in court as the judge read the verdict, which found him not guilty of seven counts of felony child neglect, three counts of culpable negligence and one count of perjury.

“I’ve got my life back,” Peterson, a former deputy for the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, told reporters outside court, describing the years since the shooting as “an emotional roller coaster.”

Personally, I don't want to make it so that police officers are required to run toward danger like that. On the other hand, I saw this from Oregon's Sheriffs regarding the very reasonable regulations that voters passed going on TWO YEARS ago and are still tied up in courts.

Pulling from extremist playbook, Oregon sheriffs refuse to enforce gun laws

A growing list of Oregon sheriffs are telling their constituents they won’t enforce voter-approved gun restrictions despite not yet knowing how some aspects of the law will work and not having a clear role in enforcing others.

In a Nov. 9 Facebook post, Linn County Sheriff Michelle Duncan said Measure 114, which 50.7% of voters approved the day before, is a terrible law for gun owners, crime victims and public safety. The measure would require a permit to buy a firearm and ban magazines holding more than 10 rounds.

“I want to send a clear message to Linn County residents that the Linn County Sheriff’s Office is NOT going to be enforcing magazine capacity limits,” Duncan wrote in the post, which as of Friday had been shared 12,000 times and garnered 9,300 comments.

A lot of gun owners supported measure 114. A lot of gun owners across the nation say they support laws like it. So this is not a rant against gun ownership. A strong majority recognize that high capacity magazines are not necessary or even desirable for using a gun in self defense. There are always exceptions to this sweeping statement but very few.

Maybe I'm conflating two different issues but I'll risk it. On the one hand, they tell their officers to back away when a man is rampaging with a semi automatic gun with a high capacity magazine -- the AR 15 with 30 or so rounds seems to be the mass shooter's weapon of choice. On the other hand, they say they won't work with the state to find safe and sane ways to enforce very reasonable regulations that would ban high capacity magazines

MEANWHILE, a trend I've seen is people are being encouraged to fight and not hide. It's worked too, recent news in Kansas City, for example. Brave men saved lives. I've read of a report from Texas where a man sacrificed his life by attacking the gunman and distracted him so that others could take him down.

So, people with no training are being told to face and attack a man the police are afraid to face and our sheriffs don't want to upset their constituents about new gun laws that would make it more likely to survive such an event because they don't want controversy?

And death by gun is the most common cause of child mortality in the US.

I'll stop ranting now.
Police officers are not expected to put their lives on the line during mass shooting events. The Uvalde cops acted as they were trained and instructed to do. They left the scene when they hear gunfire in a room they also know students are inside. They then stayed outside and prevented parents from doing what they would not do.

It's all proper and legal too.

Then-Parkland school resource officer who stayed outside during mass shooting found not guilty

Fort Lauderdale, FloridaCNN —
A jury has acquitted on all counts the former school resource officer who stayed outside during the February 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida – absolving him of wrongdoing in the rare trial of a law enforcement officer for his response to a mass shooting.

Scot Peterson, 60, took off his glasses and wept in court as the judge read the verdict, which found him not guilty of seven counts of felony child neglect, three counts of culpable negligence and one count of perjury.

“I’ve got my life back,” Peterson, a former deputy for the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, told reporters outside court, describing the years since the shooting as “an emotional roller coaster.”

Personally, I don't want to make it so that police officers are required to run toward danger like that. On the other hand, I saw this from Oregon's Sheriffs regarding the very reasonable regulations that voters passed going on TWO YEARS ago and are still tied up in courts.

Pulling from extremist playbook, Oregon sheriffs refuse to enforce gun laws

A growing list of Oregon sheriffs are telling their constituents they won’t enforce voter-approved gun restrictions despite not yet knowing how some aspects of the law will work and not having a clear role in enforcing others.

In a Nov. 9 Facebook post, Linn County Sheriff Michelle Duncan said Measure 114, which 50.7% of voters approved the day before, is a terrible law for gun owners, crime victims and public safety. The measure would require a permit to buy a firearm and ban magazines holding more than 10 rounds.

“I want to send a clear message to Linn County residents that the Linn County Sheriff’s Office is NOT going to be enforcing magazine capacity limits,” Duncan wrote in the post, which as of Friday had been shared 12,000 times and garnered 9,300 comments.

A lot of gun owners supported measure 114. A lot of gun owners across the nation say they support laws like it. So this is not a rant against gun ownership. A strong majority recognize that high capacity magazines are not necessary or even desirable for using a gun in self defense. There are always exceptions to this sweeping statement but very few.

Maybe I'm conflating two different issues but I'll risk it. On the one hand, they tell their officers to back away when a man is rampaging with a semi automatic gun with a high capacity magazine -- the AR 15 with 30 or so rounds seems to be the mass shooter's weapon of choice. On the other hand, they say they won't work with the state to find safe and sane ways to enforce very reasonable regulations that would ban high capacity magazines

MEANWHILE, a trend I've seen is people are being encouraged to fight and not hide. It's worked too, recent news in Kansas City, for example. Brave men saved lives. I've read of a report from Texas where a man sacrificed his life by attacking the gunman and distracted him so that others could take him down.

So, people with no training are being told to face and attack a man the police are afraid to face and our sheriffs don't want to upset their constituents about new gun laws that would make it more likely to survive such an event because they don't want controversy?

And death by gun is the most common cause of child mortality in the US.

I'll stop ranting now.

eh i don't mind you ranting you know that....

i understand all the police there(all 4 of them) were doing they're job outside. It's the ones inside i have a beef with. They heard the shots, they got a call from a young girl in the room from 911, they were at the door when more shots rang out, and for 77min they just stood there, the ones inside i mean....

i mean i support the blue, and they go through a lot of crap overall in they're job, but not having the balls to just do something...makes me wonder...not including the gun laws down here........18 for a long rifle (AR) but not for a handgun(21).....just makes me smh.....

now i'll quit ranting.....