Gun Control

Stricter Gun Control In US

  • Yes, stricter control.

    Votes: 22 17.2%
  • No, we love our guns!

    Votes: 106 82.8%

  • Total voters
ummmmm, not particularly, we don't want guns in the UK, it's not that the govt is telling us that, we don't want them, we know how much they fuck up countries, i mean truly and utterly fucked up. i pretty much have NO sympathy over things like the uni shooting, shopping enter shootings, the washington sniper etc, take out as many as you want, i really couldn't care, it's the culture and country that's put the kid in that situation.

we might have had it once or twice in the UK, but that's basically it, you guys have trouble with these crazy's every other month!

And if more people were armed those crazies would get shot in about 10 seconds by about 5 people. end of problem.
Where I live we have concealed carry permits and you can literaly strap a gun on your hip and carry it around in plain sight and thats the way it should be. No permit needed for that. :) I'll take my liberty and you can have big brother :)
i lov how if we're not you, we've no liberty...

does it ever occur that you don't need a gun to feel free. taht's called living in fear.
To kill my enemies. Both foreign and domestic and to shoot at tin cans(its fun). Do you think a mideival knight carried a sword because he was afraid? I rather doubt it.
All the anti gun people should read all the articles on ccw(concealed carry weapon) cases where robbers and murderers are shot by good samaratans that were packing, this saves lives. Oh and guns don't kill people, people kill people. There should be ciggarette and alcohol control.
All the anti gun people should read all the articles on ccw(concealed carry weapon) cases where robbers and murderers are shot by good samaratans that were packing, this saves lives. Oh and guns don't kill people, people kill people. There should be ciggarette and alcohol control.

in which case you're a nation of murderers.... as if it's not the millions of guns, then it's a mental defect, as you're saying that it's the people killing all the people..

anyone can pull a triigger and kill someone, it happens in a millisecond, shit goes down, you got a knife, you gotta know what you're doing, why, how you'll do it, and you'll be aware of every choice you make, not just "whoops, maybe that was premature!"

and how is shooting a robber saving lives.... LMAO and love the apoinemtn of 'samaritan' on such a morally ethically dark shady subject

you can't be a samaritan when you go around killing people to save people, you save people by reasoning, working with the enemy, not killing them till they die from it.. i think i believe that "guns don't kill people" statement now, yeah, makes sense///
I could care less what you think dude, that's why I live in America the best damn country in the world? Where do you live?

the whole world knows that you couldn't care less, that's why you're at war or trying to goto war with anyone and anything that annoys you. i mean get the fuck out of pakistan already...

i'm from the UKm so right now i can't really give any defence for the country in terms of thyat, the goverment is run by an idiot. who controls minion idiots, but as far as gun control goes, we have no troubles here.

and in terms of the UK, i would happily join anyone elses side of the debate when talking about it's failings.

here's a maybe rather secret tidbit for you, this will not have been publicised.

General Sir Richard Dannet is currently the head of the army in the UKm he's a christian, he tends to do a damned good job, and he knows what's what. at the end of the year (or is it next, that i didn't catch) he was set to become the head of defence, that is to say the head of the army navy and airforce.

when gordon brown said the army equiptment was just fine, dannet spoke out, and as far as people are concerned, got involved with politics, he stated that the PM was dead wrong and that the army needed lots and lots and that he was putting together a shopping list.

well as a result of this opposal to what gordon thinks, and for delving into political issues, the job has gone elsewhere. the governemnt seems happy to stamp out passion, tallent, skill, shuold it not agree with how it thinks..
that is messed up, in that instance, legalize me a pair of silenced pistols, if only for the cool factor as opposed to stealth, and gordon would be gone!

sometimes in life what we really need is a few high profile assasinations to get things straightened out :) dooooo it
All the anti gun people should read all the articles on ccw(concealed carry weapon) cases where robbers and murderers are shot by good samaratans that were packing, this saves lives. Oh and guns don't kill people, people kill people. There should be ciggarette and alcohol control.


Always with the control, always with the sociopathic tendencies to seek to control other people. Perhaps you should try controlling your own life instead of everyone else's.
I don't have a gun and won't ever get one. But I say that we should keep personal choice in the hands of the people. I don't see it as a crime stopper or starter. It won't help us to fight our government, or any of the other things that the gun nuts like to say.

But what is the point of pissing off everyone that has a gun by trying to take them away, especially when the people that want to break the law and kill with them will find a way to do so?

Let's keep the government out of the gun cabinets, and at the same time out of women's uterus'.
I don't have a gun and won't ever get one. But I say that we should keep personal choice in the hands of the people. I don't see it as a crime stopper or starter. It won't help us to fight our government, or any of the other things that the gun nuts like to say.

But what is the point of pissing off everyone that has a gun by trying to take them away, especially when the people that want to break the law and kill with them will find a way to do so?

Let's keep the government out of the gun cabinets, and at the same time out of women's uterus'.

Well said!
Are you an American citizen? If not,why are you so concerned about changing U.S. law?
In case you haven't heard,we have a little document over here called the Constitution,it guarantees certain rights to American citizen's.One of them is the right to bear arms,a right just affirmed by the highest court in this land.
Anyone comes to this country trying to take away my rights will feel my boots on their neck & my leagaly owned gun to their head.
good answer...

so you're happy that marijuana is illegal by state law then. y'all seem to love defending what you're allowed, but get pissy as fuck when it's somehting you want but can't have.

anything can be made a law and right by goverment, doesn't mean it's right. weed should be a right of the highest degree, but it's not. sometimes the wrong choices are made.
Ah but were moving tward legalization on that front. Very slowly but surely. The difference is that one is a "right" and the other a law. Laws can be changed. :)
good answer...

so you're happy that marijuana is illegal by state law then. y'all seem to love defending what you're allowed, but get pissy as fuck when it's somehting you want but can't have.

anything can be made a law and right by goverment, doesn't mean it's right. weed should be a right of the highest degree, but it's not. sometimes the wrong choices are made.

Ugh I live the USA and can legally buy and grow marijuana, our entire country is moving towards the legalization of marijuana. Focus on your own country, the issues we have over here are for us to deal with not you!
First Congressman: Hey, are you for gun control?

Second Congressman: Of course I'm for gun control. Who want's armed taxpayers!"
