Gun Control


Well-Known Member
George Washington: "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence."

i'm sure most of you people will disagree with me on this. but i think the government shouldn't take guns away from felons,( and the right to vote.) Seems like a right everyone should have. Think about all the possible "felonies" out there. You can no longer have a gun because of drinking and driving? doesn't make sense to me.


Well-Known Member
Everyone should be able to carry a gun. However, regulations do need to be in place... but none so full of red tape that it makes it impossible for the average citizen to own a piece.


Active Member
since a picture is worth a thousand words this should be a pic friendly thread anyone have any good pro or anti gun pictures? this about sums it up


Well-Known Member
Come and take them.
I think they would love nothing better.
But this may have to do, for now:

Treatys are one way they like to fuck us.
They take on a level like the constitution.
All he needs is Senate support,
Looks good for the gun grabers in the senate.


Well-Known Member
to even announce a gun ban or confiscation will cause ALOT of men to go hunting..there will not be enough bridges . rail roads ..roads .the power grid will be destroyed ...the water system will be destroyed other than wells or pumps..
keep fucking around see what it gets you..alot of people i know will not sit and wait for the government gestopo to show up at the door..they will show up at THEIR doors.instead of them showing up in mass with enough force fifty to one to take people down one at a time we will show up at their doors where their familys live while they are out acting like ass clowns and take their shit..and harm their familys..turn about is fair play..i know were every single cop in my area lives..the stupid bastards drive cop cars paying for it and the gas and insurance and repairs..they say it helps deter crime letting cops take their cars home. so i can pay all of their fucking bills then.fuck these communist jack booted thug mother fuckers i hate them with the intensity of the sun.


Well-Known Member
there is a good reason the government put down ex military as potential extremist threats to their government.they themselfs arei n violation of the constitution and the men they train to do horrible things upon their behalf might not like getting fucked.


Well-Known Member
they need to add mugabe to that picture list..and obama will be next. cept he wont get as far as stalin and mao did with it.


New Member
Government gun control, well in Basic training, they taught me how to control an M1 Garand, later they let me learn how to control a few other arms, M-14/AR-15, the rocket launcher was some fun shit, only got to fire one once, didn't learn much control on that one, but with the m-14, I fired the highest score in the whole Batalian, I'd say that was pretty good control. As far as them taking my guns, I won't say they cant, but they had better bring a few guns with them.


New Member
to even announce a gun ban or confiscation will cause ALOT of men to go hunting..there will not be enough bridges . rail roads ..roads .the power grid will be destroyed ...the water system will be destroyed other than wells or pumps..
keep fucking around see what it gets you..alot of people i know will not sit and wait for the government gestopo to show up at the door..they will show up at THEIR doors.instead of them showing up in mass with enough force fifty to one to take people down one at a time we will show up at their doors where their familys live while they are out acting like ass clowns and take their shit..and harm their familys..turn about is fair play..i know were every single cop in my area lives..the stupid bastards drive cop cars paying for it and the gas and insurance and repairs..they say it helps deter crime letting cops take their cars home. so i can pay all of their fucking bills then.fuck these communist jack booted thug mother fuckers i hate them with the intensity of the sun.
Geeze max, why don't you tell us how you really feel.