gun nuts. intratek ab10. mixed reviews

Im almost to the point that if someone looks at me cross-eyed on the street I will shoot them. I am not aware of their intentions and therefore must act before I die. Survival of the fittest.

No fucking wonder our government wants to become a police state. ( Or so the conspiracy theorists say ) We have way too many nut jobs with guns.
I appreciate everyone's honesty. Honestly, I figured most people would say "hell yah! I would blow an intruders brains out no problem dude this is amURICA!"
Im almost to the point that if someone looks at me cross-eyed on the street I will shoot them. I am not aware of their intentions and therefore must act before I die. Survival of the fittest.

No fucking wonder our government wants to become a police state. ( Or so the conspiracy theorists say ) We have way too many nut jobs with guns.

Especially the uniformed ones imo. It's amazing to me how few people realize that police are civilians. cn
Especially the uniformed ones imo. It's amazing to me how few people realize that police are civilians. cn

Tell that to the LAPD or NYPD. Actually, don't, they will beat you and shove broom handles up your butt. Why? Because they are not civilians and they are above the law. At least that's what they think, and that's what the court systems allow them to get away with.
Tell that to the LAPD or NYPD. Actually, don't, they will beat you and shove broom handles up your butt. Why? Because they are not civilians and they are above the law. At least that's what they think, and that's what the court systems allow them to get away with.

Actually they are civilians. They have the attitude that they aren't, and as you point out reinforce the impression by the considered application of terror. Quis custodiet custodes?

It is my firm opinion that police in this country should be held to a Federal statute of Constitutional-amendment weight ... that forbids them any heavier firearms than their constituents are allowed. NY Police Chief doesn't want to issue concealed-carry permits? Okay. Just hold ALL civilians, including city cops and any visiting state troopers, to that standard. My opinion. cn
You ever hear about 1 LEO giving "professional courtesy" to another ?

Just a couple of criminals giving each other a pass.
And it chaps my Ass to hear that !
Mr. Sticky look at another stock for your new defense weapon. try to get something that you can rest on your shoulder or torso. This will give you more stability when blasting away. Moving the back of the weapon is what makes it so inaccurate. I have shot them many times but you need to change the stock
Actually they are civilians. They have the attitude that they aren't, and as you point out reinforce the impression by the considered application of terror. Quis custodiet custodes?

It is my firm opinion that police in this country should be held to a Federal statute of Constitutional-amendment weight ... that forbids them any heavier firearms than their constituents are allowed. NY Police Chief doesn't want to issue concealed-carry permits? Okay. Just hold ALL civilians, including city cops and any visiting state troopers, to that standard. My opinion. cn

I know they are civilians. And I completely agree with you. For the basic fact that they should be upholding the law that is inherit to all United States citizens. Period. When you start adding exceptions, you end up with a shit storm that we see today.
Mr. Sticky look at another stock for your new defense weapon. try to get something that you can rest on your shoulder or torso. This will give you more stability when blasting away. Moving the back of the weapon is what makes it so inaccurate. I have shot them many times but you need to change the stock

You can't put a shoulder stock or a vertical forend grip on a pistol, the Feds won't like it. If it had a 16 inch barrel you could.
I seen one with a vertical grip. Wouldn't mind one of those

Adding a vertical grip changes the classification from a pistol to an "AOW"(any other weapon) which is subject to a federal tax stamp, and waiting period to get that tax stamp. Just thought I'd throw this out there. When surfing for stuff it surprises me how many guys post pictures of there guns with highly illegal set ups on them. I've seen pistols with added butt stocks, and fore grips, and guys selling 100 rounds mags from states that have lower limits on magazine capacity. Some people are just down right dumb..

With regards to the AB10 I've heard they are very inaccurate but that's about the extent of my knowledge on them. Personally I'm with the other fellow that said the .357 with the frangible bullets was the best choice of what you had, but you can put frangibles in the AB10 and I bet they will cycle just fine they are solid point rounds. I keep frangible ammo in my AR15 for home defense and +p hollowpoints in the 9mm. A pistol is how to fight your way to your rifle.
that pistol would not have been my choice for home defence. i havent fired that model there, but ive fired the earlier types....junk!
i would trust your ruger 357 for that job.. and as another poster stated, a short shottie is what you need. good luck sir
For all the gun holders and protectors of castles.... Did you already make the decision that you will kill to defend your life?
in states with castle laws, If you do kill an intruder, do you just call the cops after and tell them the story?
Yes, then they come to visit you - at least 4 will appear at your door at once
is it like
"Uhh yeah, this guy just broke into my house. I killed him though don't worry about it, just letting you guys know."
Sort of, except you explain that you have a corpse or multiple corpses, and they will send police out to do ballistics calculations, measure angles.. do full police report, etc.
Who comes to clean up the body?
Morgue will wrangle the bod(y/ies) after forensics does their thing with it.. any incidental blood splatter/etc is on the shooter to clean up - including but not limited to walls, drapes, carpet, etc.
AB10 in a nutshell: decent for close-quarters, as mentioned.. range on it blows, and it gets even worse when the barrel gets hot from rapid-fire.. the float gets pretty big in the grand scheme of things. Do not hand-load rounds for it, stick to 115grain... 145 will do internal damage and potentially break/crack the lower receiver... especially if it's the plastic, and not a mod.
AB10 in a nutshell: decent for close-quarters, as mentioned.. range on it blows, and it gets even worse when the barrel gets hot from rapid-fire.. the float gets pretty big in the grand scheme of things. Do not hand-load rounds for it, stick to 115grain... 145 will do internal damage and potentially break/crack the lower receiver... especially if it's the plastic, and not a mod.
nice nice thanks for that advice man... solid
nice nice thanks for that advice man... solid

Quite welcome, glad to help - have played with the weapon first-hand, although I do not own one. If you need any Ruger reviews.. I'm solid in that department as well.. own some of various calibers, and have done plenty of ballistics gel testing as well :D