Gun Opinion


Active Member
He is correct having a firearm in the same place makes it a violent crime with a mandatory sentence.
doesnt make it violent u just get a "gun specification "which is mandatory time,i got caught with 187 x pills and a 9mm under my seat n did 2 yrs 1 mandatory for the gun and 2 for the pills but ran concurrent cuz i took a plea agreement


Active Member
if u commit a robbery with it thats 3 yrs mandatory, theres only 2 kinds of gun specs(having it on you and pulling it out on sum1)


Well-Known Member
I got lucky and my lawyer got the gun dropped because it wasnt in the room it was legally owned unloaded safety on but because I sold a lb with it in the apt I could have done five years for it. I'm hoping to get probation as it's my first offense but may do one to two, my lawyer says it can fall either way. If i do go it will most likely be nine months. The charge they can hit you with for having it around is five years or they can tack it on as an enhancement on the sentence for another year at least


Well-Known Member
found a great deal if any1 has an ar15 and lives in a restricted area. 10 round "restricted" mags in a 20 round pmag case-16$ a pop. not saying im going to expand to the illegal limit but you could easily do so if you want, hit me up if you want the link